- Sight
- Derek's eyes
- Snow falling at night
- A Big City
- Sunset by water/forest
- A friend after a long time away from them
- Smell
- The Smell of Old Spice on Derek
- Cinnamon Buns Baking
- Cucumber and Melon sent
- New Book Smell
- Fall Mornings
- Sound
- Gerard Way's Voice
- Thunderstorms
- Text message alert
- Waves
- Techno
- Taste
- Cheesecake
- Spearmint
- Chicken
- Watermelon
- Vodka
- Touch
- Fleece
- Massage from Derek
- A Hug from a friend
- sleeping in a comfy bed
- Brushing my hair
aug 24 2011 ∞
aug 24 2011 +