These are just definitions so you can understand some of the things I post on here and I'm not being bombarded with the same question 50 times.

Fictionkin: A connection, often spiritual, with a fictional character or species, deep enough that the individual identifies as said character/species. These people often believe they are/were a fictional species either now or in a past life.

Otherkin: A belief that you are in some way, not human. It is very similar to fictionkin, but strictly with nonhuman creatures. Those who are otherkin with earth creatures are called therians.

Fictionhearted/sympath: These two words mean literally the exact same thing: they both refer to a character that you identify with but not as. You can have a strong with a character to consider them a part of your identity but not think of them as you.

animal-hearted: an induvidual who identifies strongly with a nonhuman creature rather than as it.

may 17 2018 ∞
may 17 2018 +