- finish mock and wace exams.
- graduate high school
- part time job
- get into curtin university to study finance (changed major to international business)
- finally get my license
- learn how to put on liquid eyeliner
- learn how to put on make-up properly
- be a good student for at least one year (lmao)
- graduate from curtin university
- do masters at curtin university
- be fluent in at least 4 languages (tagalog, japanese, korean and chinese is the dream)
- get a cartilage piercing
- write my own song (lol)
- learn how to play an instrument properly
- find my soulmate (lol)
- get married before 29 (preferably when i'm 27)
- have a stable job before 25
- have my own house before 30
- go bungee jumping
- sky diving
- skiing
- swim with sharks
- swim with dolphins
- see all the 7 wonders of the world
- go to disney land
- go to universal studio
- travel everywhere
- learn how to drive manual
- start my own business
nov 19 2012 ∞
apr 3 2015 +