⍈ weightlifting fairy kim bok joo (2016) starring 이성경 and 남주혁

⍈ kill me heal me (2015) starring 지성, 황정음 and 박서준

⍈ click your heart (2016) starring 에스에프나인

⍈ to be continued... (2015) starring 아스트로

⍈ the lover (2015) starring 寺田拓哉

⍈ W (2016) starring 이종석 and 한효주

⍈ while you were sleeping (2017) starring 이종석 and 배수지

⍈ pinocchio (2014) starring 이종석 and 박신혜

⍈ boys over flowers (2009) starring 이민호 and 구혜선

⍈ nightmare teacher (2016) starring 이민혁 and 김소현

⍈ strong girl bongsoon (2017) starring and 박보영

dec 16 2017 ∞
apr 28 2018 +