oikawa-centric "Before he’d come to this country, he’d have sworn to anyone who listened that he was the biggest thing north of Tokyo, and told himself that if he said it often enough, one day it’d be true.

He’s further south of Tokyo now than he’s ever been before. He has never felt smaller. The world has never felt more incredible."

oikawa/ushijima "Olympic hopeful Oikawa Tooru breaks the hearts of his female fans for good!"

"I did what?" he murmured to himself in confusion, picking up the gossip magazine. He flipped through the pages and froze.

"The truth comes out... and so do star athletes Oikawa Tooru and Ushijima Wakatoshi!"

oikawa/ushijima "On the first day of university volleyball practice, Oikawa Tooru walks into the gymnasium, sees Ushijima Wakatoshi standing in the middle of the court, immediately turns on his heel and walks back out."

oikawa/ushijima "Ushijima is having a hard time adjusting to life in Tokyo."

iwaizumi/oikawa "Tooru is pretty sure he could manage the mating habits of a mosquito. It’s the mating habits of people he can’t seem to get right."

kageyama/oikawa "Kageyama sees Oikawa-san every day at his bus stop."

kageyama/oikawa "Looking at him now, sitting on his couch in the middle of the night like some angry, lost, overgrown child, Oikawa wonders if even moving to another country and spending years without hearing his name would help him get over Kageyama."

oikawa/ushijima "Ushijima and Oikawa try to improve their teamwork over summer break."

oikawa/ushijima "Oikawa can’t see straight as he stares at Ushijima, either due to the three-point-five beers or due to the whirlpools that have begun to spin behind his eyes. The bartender replaces Ushijima’s empty beer glass with one that’s full and Ushijima drops his gaze, regards it briefly, then lifts it to his lips with his right hand."

oikawa-centric "Oikawa realizes his potential as a Siren, basically."

kuroo/oikawa "If someone had told Tetsurou last year that he would fall in love with Oikawa Tooru in his first year of university, he wouldn't have believed it."

kageyama/oikawa "the one in which oikawa reveals their relationship to the world on twitter with a taylor swift song"

kageyama/oikawa "Oikawa doesn't know why Kageyama keeps asking to meet him on Saturdays. He also doesn't know why he keeps saying yes."

aug 27 2022 ∞
aug 27 2022 +