So each volume of BSD has its own two-pages omake (extra), vol 19 is the latest one, which means that there've been 19 omakes so far. Thus I made this list for those who want to read them ^^

Omake 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15:

Omake 4:

Omake 7:

Omake 9:

Omake 13:

Omake 16:

Omake 17:

Omake 19:

So the missing ones are omake 10 and omake 18. Omake 10 are the pics of this post, translated and edited by me since I cannot find the English translated one, and guess what? I don't speak Japanese, but luckily BSD is currently published in my country, Việt Nam. I bought every volume and they all had their omake attached. So, yeah, omake 10 here is brought to you in a complicated way through Japanese -> Vietnamese -> English

Unfortunately, I cannot find the English translated version of omake 18, and this vol has not been published in my country yet ;___; I found its raw and will post them in the comment section, hopefully someone speaking Japanese could translate them for us. Please comment too if you found its English translation.

sep 7 2020 ∞
sep 7 2020 +