I can be a very hard person to deal with if you're easily intimidated/overly-sensitive don't worry though i'm nice to new people

how to

  • just google how to deal with an entj or 8w7
  • i'm too blunt and frank i'm sorry in advance
  • when i try to 'control' you, it's probably for your own good
  • i don't get close to anyone on a deep level
  • don't take it personally
  • if i don't like you, i'll tell you straight up so don't worry about me stabbing your back or some high school shit
  • i'll most likely stress you out or pressure you into doing something i want. if that's the case, tell me if it's too much. i can be a bit demanding at times.
  • if i'm the leader, i know what's the best route for our group so don't try to get in the way of my plans
  • if i'm always up in your ass/messaging you that means I like talking to you don't ignore me or I will be put off.
  • honesty this is the most important answer here. if you don't like me say it. if you're uncomfortable, say it. no sugarcoating.
  • i am a VERY confident person. if you can't handle aggressive egotistic people i'm probably not for you
  • my humor is dark and dry. i know where to draw the line, though.
  • understand that i have to use people to get my way. no, that does not make me easily a sociopath.
  • deal with my competitive ass
  • i am unresponsive sometimes and won't display the correct emotion. don't take it as me being robotic
  • i am not well aware of other people's feelings and emotions. so that's why you've gotta be honest with me all the time.
  • communication is key
oct 24 2016 ∞
oct 24 2016 +