- pink pair of sunglasses
- ballet shoes
- Really fancy ballet shoes with the hard point thingy`
- rollerblades
- 6 pins ( the beatles, david bowie, the simpsons etc)
- A black ring
- Money
- Money
- Money
- Money
- Money
- A snow globe
- A brilliant drawing of Joshua Hayward holding a flamingo
- Candy
- Candy
- Candy´
- Candy
- a stuffed animal
- 4 kazoos
- a snowglobe
- Lungs by Florence and the Machine
- The flying cup cup by Beirut
- On the Road by Kerouac
- O by Tilly and the Wall
- several amazing postcards ( including a homemade one, and one signed by all the members of THE HORRORS)
- A marylin monroe shirt
- A radiohead shirt ( that I’m gonna turns into a dress :D )
- A flower necklace
- a yo-yo
- 2 plastic bath toys, a duckie and a purple monkey
jul 11 2010 ∞
jul 21 2011 +