• Caroline Bingley: she is seriously underrated. She is witty, socially adept, and provides great comic relief. I agree with her wanting Charles to marry Georgiana for 2 reasons, even though I don't agree with her not being straightforward with Jane about it. A) At least Georgiana had some personality - Jane Bennett does not. And B) She had her eye on an excellent price in Mr. Darcy.
  • Cinderella: she's overrated. She's passive, overly reliant on magic, and lacks initiative. I find her story unrelatable for 2 reasons. A) She doesn't stand up for herself against her stepfamily, showing little personality or strength. B) She waits for a prince to rescue her instead of taking control of her own fate.
  • Agatha in Beauty and the Beast: she is awesome. She's wise, kind, and mysterious. I admire her for 2 reasons. A) She sees beyond appearances, helping the Beast and Belle discover true love. B) Her magical abilities and guidance show her strength and benevolence, making her a key character in the story.
  • John Knightley: underrated. He's practical, witty, and refreshingly honest. A) He provides a sensible counterpoint to Emma's schemes, offering grounded advice without being too emotionally involved. B) His devotion to his family and straightforward nature make him a relatable and endearing character. C) I just love his wit and comic relief.
jul 9 2024 ∞
jul 9 2024 +