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  • Helping people find books
  • Selling to people successfully
    • Especially when I'm one of the few who can be assertive and convincing enough
  • Being surrounded by books
  • My coworkers
  • Giving tips to people on saving money or finding the best deals
  • 20% off discount
  • Having customers remember me and specifically asking for my help when they come back
  • When the store is busy and there is so much to do


  • People blaming you for a product out of stock
  • Easily agitated customers
  • Customers who scoff at you and insist they don't need help
    • But then later tries to find you or anyone they can because they realized they needed help
  • Low pay
  • Sore feet from standing up, running around, and walking around nonstop
  • Having to repeat myself because customers don't listen and only want to listen to things they want me to say for them to hear
aug 30 2012 ∞
sep 29 2012 +