evan ● 21 ● she/they ● ABC ● quoi/demi-ace
- ♌-♍ cusp
- infj
- future educator
- extremely tired
- always in rarepair hell. always
- loves birds
- occasionally likes to write and rp
- cripplingly shy, anxious, and depressed
- may shun nishime continue to thrive and be successful
please refrain from mentioning my real name publicly online. thanks!
contact info:
- discord: Perpetual Dreams #4280
- snapchat: zetta_slow
- granblue fantasy: 16174478
- onmyoji: 1206498
- dissidia final fantasy opera omnia: 895907469
- yugioh - duel links: 784-915-004
- kamen rider battle rush: 729387997
- maplestory:
- windia: Callipygian
- bera: Archadiaaaaa
- reboot: Löwenthal
- aries ms:
- final fantasy xiv:
- mateus: Alexander Glacies
- 3ds fc: 0173-1610-5398