- cambodia
- ✔ china
- harbin, china
- ✔ hong kong
- ✔ japan (osaka and kiso valley)
- ✔ japan (hokkaido)
- kerala
- kolkata and bombay
- ✔ korea
- laos
- ✔ macau
- ✔ malaysia
- ✔ philippines
- rajasthan
- russia
- shanghai
- ✔ singapore
- sri lanka
- thailand
- ✔ tokyo
- ✔ ukraine
- uzbekistan
- ✔ vietnam
- vietnam 2
- vietnam central highlands
- caribbean island hopping
- ✔ cuba
- haiti
- jamaica
- puerto rico
- azores
- berlin
- brittany
- ✔ el bulli
- greek islands
- iceland
- ireland
- ✔ istanbul
- london and edinburgh
- madrid
- ✔ naples
- paris
- paris (100th anniversary)
- prague
- provence
- romania
- ✔ rome
- sardinia
- sicily
- spain
- sweden
- ✔ tuscany
- ✔ venice
- vienna
middle east
- back to beirut
- dubai
- ✔ kurdistan
- saudi arabia
north america
- ✔ boston
- ✔ cajun country
- ✔ chicago
- cleveland
- ✔ disappearing manhattan
- ✔ hawaii
- heartland
- holiday special
- ✔ hudson valley, ny
- ✔ las vegas
- ✔ los angeles
- maine
- mexico
- mexico 2
- montana
- new jersey
- new orleans
- ✔ new york city
- ✔ outer boroughs
- ozarks
- ✔ pacific northwest
- quebec
- ✔ rust belt
- ✔ san francisco
- south carolina
- ✔ south florida
- ✔ us desert
- us southwest
- ✔ vancouver
- ✔ washington, d.c.
- australia
- ✔ french polynesia
- new zealand
south america
- argentina
- brazil
- ✔ brazil 2
- chile
- colombia
- ecuador
- nicaragua
- peru
- uruguay
aug 31 2011 ∞
mar 20 2012 +