- beef jerky
- berries
- broccoli casserole in cheese & hollandaise sauce
- cheese
- chocolate
- dalla terra drunken green beans
- dumplings
- green grapes
- lemons
- mandarin oranges
- milkies
- peppermints
- pickles
- pomegranates
- root beer
- salt & vinegar kettle chips
- avocado
- beets
- butterscotch
- cheesecake
- cinnamon things
- cooked mushrooms
- cream cheese
- custard
- egg rolls
- eggplant
- gingerbread
- grapefruit
- honey mustard sauce
- KD macaroni and cheese
- ketchup
- mayonnaise
- mustard
- olives
- onions
- peanut butter
- potatoes (excluding fries, chips, and scalloped potato)
- raw peppers
- sauerkraut
- scrambled eggs
- soy sauce
- tomatoes
- turkey
- yam
- yogurt
- zucchini
oct 26 2011 ∞
oct 28 2011 +