Manga (Currently reading [NON-YAOI])
dec 6 2012
notes (Wishlist: Affordable version)
nov 17 2012
television (Western Series)
nov 17 2012
activities (Things i NEED to start doing)
nov 17 2012
Anime (Anime to watch [start])
nov 17 2012
relationships (OTPs & rabu-rabu pairings X3)
nov 17 2012
Manga (Completed [NON-YAOI])
nov 17 2012
television (Reality Shows)
nov 17 2012
food (Buffet Buffet <3)
apr 11 2012
activities (Plans for the remaining 2011)
dec 12 2011
Anime (Anime to watch [continue/rewatch])
nov 20 2011