the canon

  • red dragon
  • silence of the lambs
  • hannibal
  • hannibal rising

suggested reading - mythology

  • baudelaire, les fleurs du mal
  • blake, the marriage of heaven and hell
  • dante, the divine comedy: inferno
  • dante, la vita nuova
  • dostoevsky, the brothers karamazov
  • goethe, faust
  • milton, paradise lost
  • shelley, frankenstein
  • stoker, dracula


  • flannery o'connor, wise blood
  • flannery o'connor, a good man is hard to find
  • truman capote, in cold blood


"This, then, was Tantalus’ crime: he tempted the gods to transgression. That he killed his own son is horrifying, of course, but that he sought to involve the gods themselves in his crime--this is strictly unforgivable. [...] The guilt flowing from these crimes is so profound, so penetrating, that it can render even the gods impure."

"Tithecott argues that the construction of the serial killer as monster is the latest sign of our current desire to seek a 'language of condemnation', which clearly separates our 'selves' from our 'others' in a lasting way. [...] Contemporary tales of murder, Halttunin posits, often promise readers and viewers a 'mental journey into darkness'. This implies that evil is not native to the reader's country, it is foreign, elsewhere, Other. [...] The real menace in Dahmer's image is its normality. It is ourselves staring back at us."

  • cannibalism in literature and film, by jennifer brown


jan 14 2015 ∞
jan 2 2017 +