• if he doesnt want to do something hell just go "i dont know what _ is im gay", this one is a joke however vvv
  • he refers to nearly every kind of pokemon as a dog, except the actual dogs. no one can tell if hes kidding or not. i certainly cant
  • [holding half eaten chapstick] do i look like i know what an impulse control is
  • has fucking teleportation powers apparently?????
  • is just anywhere at anytime
  • if hes peeking above something and slowly slides down out of view, checking the area will reveal he is Gone Without A Trace
  • will eat a leaf. not even a leaf for eating. just a regular-ass leaf picked off a fucking bush. yum yum
  • likes puns
  • drank nail polish and immediately regretted it
  • got stung by a nihilego and ended up trying to eat his own leg then swallowed a necklace
  • his hair is clean but constantly full of leaves. he cannot get all of them out no matter how hard he tries theres always at least one in there
  • his hair is an ultra wormhole. if you need to get to ultra space, just, enter his hair
  • he used his own hair portal to get into ultra space once and the pine tree hairdo just Detached from his head to allow him entry. it was fully intact while he was in there and just suddenly reattached itself when he came back. what the fuck, man
  • when guzma gave n his elekid n was standing there empty-handed with his arms relaxed and then he mentioned to keep elekid away from angry and blinked and n was suddenly cocking a nerf dart gun and just went "I will protect my child."
  • he just waljked into the fucking ocean fully clothed at 10 pm once because there was a finneon that had gotten stuck in some plastic. he did not explain at all what he was doing the entire time, even with two guzmas yelling at him asking what the fuck he was doing. he was just like "i am going In. its just something Important" and "do either of you have scissors" and confused them both so badly
  • he also just went to unova one day for like an hour (so i had an excuse to livetweet the pokeani episode saving braviary) and guzma asked him what he was doing and he just said "Important."
  • he came back with a broken rib. he still hasnt fully explained what he was doing there to anyone. he now makes jokes about falling off cliffs sometimes
  • he announced opnce that he had returned, but never said he was going anywhere, his hand was bleeding, and he smelled like vanilla coconut. he has not once explained this
  • he once sang quite a good portion of estelles "american boy" while dissociating so its safe to assume he likes and has memorized the song
  • he owns a sunhat and a nice green sundress and if you ask where it came from he will respond as if you are asking him why hes wearing it. no one can fucking figure out where the hell he got it. i mean it looks good and fits well but w here did he GET IT
  • has an overwhelming urge to drink puddle water but can contain it because he doesnt want to actually drink it
  • but he ended up drinking some anyway by accident because he put some in a wine glass and then forgot it wasnt regular water
  • can drink boiling water and be completely fine
  • starts crying when he sees a pokemon doing anythhing cute especially if its an underrated one/bug type/ghost type
  • slugma are made of lava but this will not stop him from petting it
  • if he dissociates hard enough he actually starts emitting static noise
  • fuckign falls alseep anywhere. you can give this kid a nice home and a real bed and then look out the window and he has made a nest in the grass. he also fell asleep in the fucking street once because he was awake for over 24 hours straight and just Had Enough
  • explicitly refers to ghetsis as g-cis, gh*tsis or ghestit (rarely the last one because t*itty). also just sometimes refers to him with insults. will never use his actual name
  • his pockets do not look filled but he can jsut pull shit out of them and stuff you would never be able to fit into a pocket either and asking him to explain how the hell that just happened is a futile operation
  • knows what weed is, does not 420 blaze
  • unfortunately learned what a gilf is (part 1: the mistake https://twitter.com/plasmaking_txt/status/832388207190880256 part 2: the aftermath https://twitter.com/plasmaking_txt/status/832388371167186944 part 3: the conclusion https://twitter.com/plasmaking_txt/status/832390107177086976)
  • twitter called him gay once https://twitter.com/plasmaking_txt/status/830600846673076230
feb 24 2017 ∞
mar 23 2017 +