- return RSVP letter for the wedding
- Send Namine her give-a-way prize
- Mail Holly her gift
- Find a part time job (that I can live with)
- finish reading books that are on my desk
- be feminine
- be happy (more often)
- work on the RED book
- Visit my grandmother more often
- Get a bike and ride it
- send liv a letter
- paint my door with inspirational words
- hang pictures on the walls
- sew more (work on my hodge-podge quilt)
- Send a message with a balloon
- watch a movie
- work out (get my butt in gear)
- submit a photo to a website
- try Nutella
- compliment people more often (face-to-face)
- beat Mario original in one day with Jodi
- drink less sweet tea (gasp)
- make a playlist of my life (inspired by Ali)
apr 29 2010 ∞
jun 3 2010 +