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Amanda / 25 / Female / Engaged / Sagittarius / INFP-T / Nerd extraordinaire / LAVAfam Member

  • Wants to be a VA for video games & Cartoons
  • Gets too emotionally involved/attached to fictional characters.
  • Has a small kitten named Noctis.
  • Living the expensive lifestyle of a gamer 24/7.
  • Lover of music
  • Artist
  • Won't tell you a lick about my past until we get to know one another better. I don't gush and spill anything unless I'm sure I can trust someone.
  • That being said; I have trust issues too.
  • One thing I will tell you is I'm clinically bi-polar and have been on medication for over a year which has transformed my outlook on life.
  • Very sarcastic and loves to make people laugh.
  • The above can sometimes be taken as offensive when I've encountered incredibly sensitive souls.
  • Has not mentally aged in 8 years, still 17 and going through the 'honeymoon phase' of love. For the past 8 years. Don't think it's gonna stop ever.
  • I love my fiancee and Stronger than You from Steven Universe is practically our theme song and has been since we first heard it.
  • I'm incredibly brash and blunt and tend not to care what people think of me which can ultimately be a bad thing.
  • I'm more of a gamer than a person who watches anime; never realized it growing up but it's definitely true. You can take anime away from me but please don't take my video games.
aug 2 2017 ∞
aug 2 2017 +