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the bird fights its way out of the egg. the egg is the world. who would be born must first destroy a world.

listography NEW NEWS
  • ''and all i loved, i loved alone.'' - edgar allan poe
  • ''please, consider me a dream.'' - franz kafka
  • ''under your skin, the moon is alive.'' - pablo neruda
  • ''i love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. i love you simply, without problems or pride: i love you in this way because i do not know any other way of loving.'' — pablo neruda
  • ''how wonderful to be who i am, made out of earth and water, my own thoughts, my own fingerprints—all that glorious, temporary stuff.'' — mary oliver
  • ''i am a book of apocalypses written in a language i don’t speak and i have no author.'' — hélène cixous
  • ''i overthink. i over love. i over feel. i’m the sea or i’m nothing.'' - juansen dizon
  • ''i took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. i am, i am, i am.” ― sylvia plath
  • ''everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. the worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.'' ― sylvia plath
  • ''i'd woken up early, and i took a long time getting ready to exist.'' ― fernando pessoa
  • ''i am nothing. i'll never be anything. i couldn't want to be something. apart from that, i have in me all the dreams in the world.'' ― fernando pessoa
  • ''you see things. you keep quiet about them. and you understand.'' - stephen chbosky
  • ''how long is forever? sometimes, just one second.'' — lewis carroll
  • ''i often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.'' — vincent van gogh
  • ''i know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.'' - vincent van gogh
  • ''be of good heart.'' - vincent van gogh
  • ''people are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. when i look at a sunset, i don’t find myself saying, ‘soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner.’ i don’t try to control a sunset. i watch with awe as it unfolds.'' - carl rogers
  • "if flowers can grow through blankets of melting snow, there is hope for me." - tyler knott gregson
  • ''i have sea foam in my veins, i understand the language of waves.'' - jean cocteau
  • ''her heart was made of liquid sunsets.'' - virginia woolf
  • ''how to speak? how to tear apart the skin of words?'' - czeslaw milosz
  • ''from my rotting body, flowers shall grow, and i am in them, and that is eternity.'' - edvard munch
  • ''and no one else remembers, except the moon and i." - rolan leighton
feb 10 2019 ∞
feb 11 2019 +