notes (Artists)
mar 10 2014
notes (countries to visit)
mar 10 2014
about me (my bad habits to work on)
feb 14 2014
notes (Image Comm stuff)
feb 14 2014
movies (to watch in 2014)
feb 14 2014
to do (by 25)
feb 14 2014
wishlist (would be really nice to have)
feb 14 2014
notes (anime films I have not lived til watched)
mar 19 2013
books ( to read)
dec 30 2012
movies (to watch)
dec 30 2012
to do (assessment yr 1 sem 2)
apr 15 2012
about me (random things)
jan 26 2012
about me (things I hate)
jan 26 2012
food (the few loves of my life!)
jan 6 2012
activities (for eoy hols)
dec 11 2011
to do (for assessment!)
nov 12 2011