for the things I've crossed out, i may have done it multiple times or might do it again ;)
- visit India & Japan & Spain (at the least)
- become fluent in at least one other language. (i'm hoping Spanish.)
- vandalize something
- dress up & go nowhere special
- really fall in love and be loved back
- attend Sundance
- live in San Francisco
- get into college
- go to a drive-in movie
- ride in the back of a pick-up truck
- adopt a child
- sing & dance loudly in public
- make someone's dreams come true (I LITERALLY did this :)
- go on a roadtrip without parents
- splurge on something i really want (this is a VERY rare occurence.
- change someone's mind
- do some REAL, hands-on volunteering in a third-world country
- figure out my personal philosophies
- publish something i wrote/a picture i took
- tell someone absolutely EVERYTHING
- get voted into a position/whatevs
- inspire someone's art.
- become a vegetarian
- make the first move
- live a picture-perfect movie-worthy moment
- be a rebel without a cause
- win a contest/be the best at something
- skydivebungeejumprockclimbbackpack
- take the long way home.
- pass on my bomb-ass genes. (hahaaha)
- have to be told twice.
- be a great girlfriend.
- push a car
- get a tattoo
- walk several dogs at once
- pull a crazy, elaborate prank.
- tell someone off who deserves it/ punch someone in the face. (haha, you didn't expect that one, did you?)
- these are things i'd never really do, but i think i have a right to do it at least once in my life.
- have a real conversation with one of my heroes
- be on t.v.
- be in the newspaper
- risk/give my life for something/someone worth it
- a.k.a. gamble everything for love
- tell someone all the reasons i love them
- take one good school yearbook picture
- perform on stage
- be in a band
- swim with wild dolphins
- be onstage at a show
- break something real. crash a car?
- run down a crowded city sidewalk and play dodge
- weigh enough to give blood :P
- visit tacky tourist traps.
- participate in a rally/protest
- move out and paint my new apartment/house
dec 24 2008 ∞
jul 17 2010 +