- Use a trapeze
- Take a hula hoop workout class
- Take a pole dancing class (whats wrong in learning, right?)
- Take a sign language class,so my brother and I can communicate on another level.
- Go back to school for my Masters (art or photo, library science dunno?)
- Live in New York and Boston for a little bit
- Visit Ponyboy
- See Portland Oregon
- Take a road trip with my friends
- Go to Drag Queen Bingo
- Go to old people bingo at the local church
- Go on a speed dating session (gay or straight) and see who I meet
- Learn to break dance
- Learn to Weld
- take a private crochet lesson
- Make conversation with a stranger at an art opening
- Go to tokyo
- get my knuckles tatted
- publish a book of my photos
- publish a book of short stories
- rub noses with someone before I kiss them
- take the train ALL the way to Chicago
- Have a Theme birthday party where its all lil kid throwbacks
-pinata -treat bags -theme cake -punch,junk food -theme plates,napkins etc.
- Go to Disneyland by myself
- Tell someone "I really want to kiss you right now" when the phrase does come into my head (and hopefully get a kiss and not an awkward stare)