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i've always liked the time before dawn because there's no one around to remind me who i'm supposed to be, so it's easier to remember who i am. nothing ever ends poetically. it ends and we turn it into poetry. all that blood was never once beautiful. it was just red.

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em inglês:

  • "you need to take the hate that is created and generated inside of you, and you really need to recycle that into your want for success. because the more you’re able to take that anger they send at you, and make it into your energy, the more you’re gonna succeed in life." - (park jaehyung)
  • "there’s the idea that you can’t truly know happiness until you know sadness, so how can you heal yourself unless you’ve hurt yourself?" - (brendon urie)
  • "and I’m so sick of losing people. i lose people. i swear somewhere out there is a lost and found just full of people i’ve lost, but the map is all wrong and i’m too tired to go claim them, half-petrified that they won’t even recognise me anymore." - (throam)
  • "i'm not the most sociable person i know. it's not that i'm antisocial. it's just that i prefer silence to my own voice. most of the time, i just can't be bothered with people when my own thoughts entertain me more than the mindless nonsense of a fellow man." - (throam)
  • "who has not asked himself at some time or other: am i a monster or is this what it means to be a person?" - (unknown)
  • "i scream when i dream. raw throat, abject terror. i scream myself into awareness. upon awakening it always turns out that in the real world my screams are silent as a grave. a perfect metaphor for no one noticing my pain." - (unknown)
  • "sometimes, I feel like ripping apart my skin, and searching for a reason for why I feel this empty. maybe my veins are tangled, or something is lodged in my ribcage. because it feels like something inside of me is missing or broken." - (unknown)
  • "we are all connected. to each other, biologically. to the earth, chemically. to the rest of the universe, atomically." - (unknown)
  • "the sky is clouding over. and here now my old anguish; there, in the depth of my body, like a nasty wound that each movement irritates. i know its name. it is fear of the eternal solitude, apprehension that there won’t be any answer." - (unknown)
  • "pain is only temporary. Someday you will meet someone who can make you happier." - (day6)
  • "i may never show my emotions, but i'll always write them in a secret place." - (unknown)
  • "there is no perfect answer in this messy, emotional world. perfection is beyond the reach of humankind, beyond the reach of magic. in every shining moment of happiness is that drop of poison: the knowledge that pain will come again. be honest to those you love, show your pain. to suffer is as human as to breathe." - (albus dumbleodore)
  • "it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." - (albus dumbleodore)
  • "it's our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - (albus dumbleodore)
  • "happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light" - (albus dumbleodore)
  • "numbing the pain for a while wil make it worse when you finally feel it." - (albus dumbleodore)
  • "differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open." - (albus dumbleodore)
  • "of course i loved you... and I knew that it would happen all over again... that where i loved, i would cause irreparable damage... i am no fit person to love... i have never loved without causing harm..." - (albus dumbledore)
  • "be weird. being normal doesn't get you far in life. be who you are and only who you are. don't let nobody shape you into something else." - (park jaehyung)
  • "be joyful, be sad, laugh, cry and live everyday to it’s fullest. let your emotions remind your mind that you are alive." - (park jaehyung)
  • "don't ever call your vision a dream. dreams are unattainable wants you see during your sleep. call it a goal. cause goals are real. don't just dream. set goals. dreams are improbable possibilities. goals are possible possibilities you work out one step at a time." - (park jaehyung)
  • "i've always liked the time before dawn because there's no one around to remind me who i'm supposed to be, so it's easier to remember who i am. nothing ever ends poetically. it ends and we turn it into poetry. all that blood was never once beautiful. it was just red." - (unknown)
  • "i go through phases. some days i feel like the person i’m supposed to be, and then some days i turn into no one at all. there is both me and my silhouette. i hope that on the days you find me and all i am are darkened lines, you still are willing to be near me." - (unknown)
  • "the emptiness that lingers in this heart of mine, can never be replaced. the chaos that collides with my bones can never be taken away even by the strongest love. you wish to save me, but i only wish to be left alone." - (unknown)
  • "i break promises like they mean nothing, and speak of love like it is the last thing i care. but we both know that i care. that i do not mean every horrible word said. we both know that i am just a terrified child, trying to be a terrifying monster." - (unknown)
  • "i feel everything,too much, not enough. and i don’t understand why, or what to do about any of it." - (unknown)
  • "i realized that the regret from not doing something at all is more painful than failure." (operation proposal)

em português:

  • "escrevo por não ter nada a fazer no mundo: sobrei e não há lugar para mim na terra dos homens. escrevo porque sou um desesperado e estou cansado, não suporto mais a rotina de me ser e se não fosse sempre a novidade que é escrever, eu me morreria simbolicamente todos os dias." - (a hora da estrela)
  • "enquanto eu tiver perguntas e não houver resposta continuarei a escrever." - (a hora da estrela)
  • "tirar a própria vida; uma expressão interessante. tirar de quem? quando acaba, não é você que sente falta. sua morte é um fato que acontece para todo mundo. sua vida não é apenas sua. tire as mãos dela." - (sherlock holmes)
  • "há um refúgio para os desesperados, os não amados, os perseguidos. há uma ultima opção disponível para todo mundo. quando a vida ficar estranha demais, impossível demais, assustadora demais, tem sempre uma última esperança." - (sherlock holmes)
  • "prefira ser ferido a ferir os outros. pessoas gentis podem ser felizes apenas sabendo disso." - (tokyo ghoul)
  • "conheço um homem tolo. viajou no tempo para mudar o passado, de que se arrependia. o homem tentou desesperadamente mudar o passado, mas o milagre que esperava nunca aconteceu. porém, no fim da jornada, acabou percebendo... que não importa o quanto mude o passado, ele mesmo nunca mudará. em vez de mudar os erros do passado, a vontade de mudar o presente é o que mais importa." - (operation proposal)
  • "[...] a quem ela interrogava? a deus? ela não pensava em deus, deus não pensava nela. deus é de quem conseguir pegá-lo. na distração aparece deus. não fazia perguntas. adivinhava que não há respostas. era lá tola de perguntar? e de receber um não na cara? talvez a pergunta vazia fosse apenas para que um dia alguém não viesse a dizer que ela nem ao menos havia perguntado. por falta de quem lhe respondesse ela mesma parecia ter se respondido: é assim porque é assim [...]" - (a hora da estrela)
jan 29 2019 ∞
jan 21 2020 +