- 01/05 - Madison's dentist appt 2:45pm
- 01/07 - Sean's dr's appt 6pm
- 01/13 - books due to library
- 01/15 - Book club at Kelly's
- 01/18 - Madison's teeth pulling 9am / no school
- 01/19 - movies due back to library
- 01/27 - Kelsi Dentist. 2:30
- 01/28 - Sean's dr's appt 5pm
- 02/01 - books due back to library
- 02/05 - North Conway weekend
- 02/06 - North Conway weekend
- 02/09 - My Dentist appt 9:50
- 02/12 - Kelsi's Competition, SRHS
- 02/14 - Kelsi's Competition, Winasquam
- 02/15 - Sports Awards Night 6:30
- 02/18 - Concert
- 02/19 - Dress shopping - canceled
- 02/20 - Book club at Kristen's
- 02/22 - February Vacation
- 02/24 - Madison's teeth pulling 8:30am
- 02/27 - Dinner at Peggy & Mike's
- 03/11 - Open House at SRHS
- 04/23 - Psychic Weekend
jan 1 2010 ∞
feb 20 2010 +