- call me by your name ♥
- the shape of water ♥
- beautiful creatures ♥
- zodiac +
- black panther ♥♥♥
- black panther ♥♥♥ ^
- black panther ♥♥♥ ^
- annihilation +
- a wrinkle in time -
- avengers: infinity war + ^
- avengers: infinity war + ^
- set it up ♥
- ant-man and the wasp +
- sorry to bother you +
- practical magic +
- to all the boys I've loved before ♥♥♥
- aquaman +
- mary poppins returns +
uh at some point you watched sin city 2 on netflix...
- ♥ loved!
- + liked
- (-) so-so
- ⊗ ☒ ☠ varying degrees of dislike
- ^ re-watch
jan 2 2018 ∞
feb 18 2020 +