⚪ pls don't follow me if you only want a follow back it's annoying

⚪ follow me if u really really like my tweets and if u find me interesting (i said IF)

⚪ talk to me since i'm too shy to initiate a conversation and i'm afraid i'll annoy the fuck out of u guys so

⚪ i don't really follow a lot of people because i don't know who to follow seriously

⚪ if u want to unfollow me and i follow u back pls kindly just block then unblock me so i don't have to find out myself that u actually unfollow me then feel betrayed and sad right after

⚪i don't really scroll my tl so i think it's best for you to never indirect me and just @ me lol, i doubt anyone will tho just saying

may 28 2015 ∞
may 30 2015 +