• Probably was a bitch in middle school as well
  • Buys all her clothes at Justice
  • Thinks she and her friends own the swings
  • Has cool/the best everything (silly bandz)
  • Probably having a hard time at home
  • "I'm the mermaid!"
  • First to get ears pierced
  • Usually named with two t's or l's, usually ends in a 'y'
  • Does gymnastics and/or dance
  • Perfect hairdo's
  • Gets iPhone/social media before everyone else
  • Has a bunch of lip balms, sometimes lip glosses
  • Cute nails
  • Cool hair streaks
  • Has a "boyfriend"
  • Claire's everything
  • Obsessed with some boy band/male pop singer
  • Cute earrings/necklaces/bracelets
jun 4 2024 ∞
jun 4 2024 +