I don't really play video games much, but every now and then I'll find one that I get super into. Here's a few of my favorites!

  • Overwatch

I'm a D.Va and Mercy main! I also love playing as Mei and Zarya! My favorite ships are LuciDva and Zarcy!

  • Nier Automata

I love this game with every fiber of my being. 2B is bae and 9S is my cinnamon roll son. Please play this game. It will change your life.

  • Pokemon

I've only recently got super into Pokemon. I played and finished Pokemon Sun, and hope to start Ultra Moon soon!

  • Games I like but haven't played yet: Resident Evil 7 (I actually recently bought this, so I hope I can start playing it soon), The Last of Us, The Evil Within, Outlast
feb 9 2017 ∞
feb 19 2018 +