• 4. 18.
  • 6. finally manned up and submitted my apps. until decisions..
  • 8. back to school and now im in econ and ofc i get the student teacher that actually wants to do stuff and treats us like we're 5 like a "me bag" seriously. idc about these people in my class, and quite frankly, idk if i want to learn their names UGH
  • 15. linsanity the movie coming soon
  • 17. so i told some people that i want to minor in asian studies or like chinese and they said it was a waste of money thanks man
  • 22. finally submitted the FAFSA ughs
  • 27. omfg so i just watched 1x01 of supernatural and how the hell did i watch this a kid like elementary school days waht the hell because i remember that scene in the beginning. hell i was probably like 9 or 10 and now im 18 and this is fcking scary omfg idk if i can continue
  • 30. yay cal grant done aka made an account
jan 3 2013 ∞
mar 15 2013 +