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1. college student
2. aspiring artist
3. has many opinions, often loudly
4. doesn't drink (anymore)
5. loves comic books
6. reads biographies & historical texts for fun
7. bilingual
8. madly in love with Spanish culture
9. not-so-closet feminist
10. abnormally fond of lists

  • My mother - because she managed to get her degree while raising two kids and found time to create a whole new family along the way.
  • My grandmother - because she had eleven children, raised them all with incredibly strong senses of ethics and morals, and somehow managed not only to not lose her mind but to retain her effortless beauty.
  • Edie Sedgewick - because she changed the face of the sixties.
  • Marylin Monroe - because she made it okay for women to be curvy and still be sexpots.
  • J. K. Rowling - because she took almost everyone in the world on one of the most exciting adventures of their lives.
  • Amanda Palmer - because she's totally unapologetic for the way that she is, and she encourages other women to be the same way.
  • Durgha Pokhrel - because I picked up her biography randomly for a project I didn't really care about in high school and it completely changed my life.
  • Frida Kahlo - because she was fighting the good fight for women way back in the day.
  • Hilary Clinton - because even though I may not agree with some of her politics, I think she's making leaps and bounds forward for women's equality.
  • Roberta Gregory - because she's one of the core of women who helped make it possible for me to get a job doing what I love.
feb 8 2010 ∞
feb 8 2010 +