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  • 30.6.: Woke up early and left in a bit of a hurry, the situation was getting weird. He didn't want to let me go. I walked through Munich for a while, in search of the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung museum. Didn't find it, even though I must have walked right past it. Train station, bought a sandwich and apple spritzer, got a magazine. Paid a very weird guy who told me I was pretty all the time 10 bucks in order to take me with him on his train ticket. Bad decision. Had some food at home. Later Bert and Bauer picked me up, we went to Passau. We watched 7 Psychopaths . Mh, kissing.
  • 29.6.: Got up late after very little sleep, went to Karstadt for breakfast - he got a pumpkin seed bun, I got blueberries. Went to Gasteig, met Janett and Stefan and attended an interview with Nicolas Winding Refn (director of Drive ) and Alejandro Jodorowsky. Later we noticed that Michael Caine was there as well but we didn't see him. Had drinks in the lobby, went to Café Haidhausen afterwards. Later we also met Steffen and Tanja. I had veggie risotto. Super tired, home, watched quite boring porn, I don't know why.
  • 28.6.: Went to Munich and met Margit at Olympiazentrum. We walked to Tollwood, saw many cute dresses and pineapple earrings (!), I had a falafel sandwich and drank from a thai coconut. Delicious! Afterwards we went to Ostbahnhof/Feierwerk for the Cat Power concert. It was a little meh. I said goodbye to Margit on the subway and went to Hohenzollernplatz - watched Beasts of the Southern Wild with Jo, also 20min of Totoro but then we went to bed.
  • 27.6.: Breakfast at Ellermühle with Dascha and Lexi. Saw Mike in the car :). Bought a paintbrush.
  • 26.6.: Sneak Preview with Moni and Fischi - Wenn Inge tanzt was a horrible movie. Afterwards drinks at Mais-O. I really like the barkeeper, Adam. He almost crushed my ribs with his bear hug.
  • 25.6.: Shopping tour with Moni; we visited Michi at the hospital and her dad, at home.
  • 24.6.: Moni stopped by in the evening; we talked a lot and booked her flights and a hotel in Barcelona.
  • 23.6.: Swimming with Dascha, Lexi and Yanic. Read Jo's webcomic Holon and talked to him until 4am.
  • 22.6.: Flea market with Lena, shopping for hummus ingreadients. Fell asleep, arrived late at Obis birthday picnic. Had food, soap bubbles, played Wizard. Read Jo's webcomic signifikat.
  • 21.6.: Woke up early, internet was gone so I read a whole book. Cleaned my room, read some more, Lena arrived. I gave her a beautiful dress I got for her (me, actually, but it's too small) at the flea market. We went to the pharmacy, a toy store and grocery shopping. Made spinach, mashed potatoes and eggs. Left for cinema - Dead Man Down. Great showdown and awful last song. I kinda liked it.
  • 20.6.: Slow day, still sick. Slept on and off until 4pm, ate pancakes with mushrooms. Talked to Jo all night on the phone. Intense. Thunderstorm.
  • 19.6.: Woke up so early, half past 7, because of some cleaning truck? Meh. Didn't realise the time, got up, had breakfast and lay in the hammock with the cats and Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Switched reading positions several times. Evening: Sneak Preview with Uhl and his friend Matthias - The Heat - ok-ish comedy, but I felt SO sick. Stomach ache, sweating and freezing at the same time. Was glad to be in bed soon.
  • 18.6.: Got lavender nail polish, went to Aquapark with Fischi and talked about religion and other unimportant stuff. Grocery shopping, Cantina beer garden afterwards with Fischi, Rosi and Moni. Took me so long to find a parking spot. Tired, went home early, talked to Tobi and Jo for a little bit. Watched Midsummer Madness on tv. Some reading.
  • 17.6.: Aquapark. Had an online movie date with Tobi, we watched Absolute Giganten.
  • 16.6.: Made potatoes for breakfast, went to the swimming pool. Read a book, some swimming... we practised jumping into the pool for a bit. Yanic and Lexi were with me. Afterwards we met Fischi at Hofreiter beer garden. I had Schupfnudeln with sauerkraut and some salad. Ice cream, sitting on a bench, no talking, staring into the sky.
  • 15.6.: Got up at 12 and missed the flea market. Shower, dressing and make-up; packed my bags and left for Munich. Arrived 20mins late, met Margit after some difficulties. Went to Feierwerk/Nachtflohmarkt and found some great bargains (LP, ballerinas, bag, necklace and dress), had hipster food (yellow dal and chai latte) and talked about this and that. Drove her to her car and talked about meeting again soon. Drove to Schwabing, fixed my face and called Jo. My parking space was right in front of his house - funny. We went to cinema, it started raining; we watched Stoker and had the whole theatre to ourselves. Walked back, met a hedgehog, stood in front of Nordbad until 3:30 - talking, hugging, kissing - omg so nice. He petted me like a kitty and, ah, loved it. Finally went home, stopped for some gas and got drinks and Maltesers. Autobahn, called Bert and chatted for a bit. Fell asleep happy.
  • 14.6.: Food, Hannibal, some cleaning. Picked up Bauer and drove home to LA via Ortenburg (I had to read the map and had some girly chitchat with Matthias). Cinema, Ginger & Rosa - fell asleep. Talked to Jo and Tobi for a bit.
  • 13.6.: Day at home with Bert - some Hannibal , later Side Effects and a dinner consisting of broccoli, grilled cheese and homemade fries.
  • 12.6.: I took the bus to the theatre and waited for Schmidi and Kathi. We drove to Thyrnau in order to look at an old house, surrounded by nature. It was quite magical with a creek, nice architecture, whole fields of wild strawberries (so tasty!) on old train tracks. Afterwards Kathi and me went to the Mädelsflohmarkt (too many people!!) and met Ramona and Lisa. We walked over the bridge to Innstadt and had food at 23 (they forgot my salad, it took forever and was incredibly overpriced). Talked to Lisa and apologized for out sexy collage thingy we made on Monday. Apparently a guy on whom she has a crush was present and now thinks that she's a slut. Meh. Walked back over the bridge, hugged Kathi goodbye, went to g-room (Lisa and me). Inside Dania celebrated her birthday, outside were Verena, David and Joshua who were having drinks. Boris, Lisa's crush, stopped by as well. They talked, I had a conversation with Verena. Went to Lisa's flat where she confessed having sex with Boris and crying afterwards because it was so nice but now he thinks she's psycho. Had to hug and console her. Then we went to Cam - David pulled an asshole move with the drinks (got one for everyone but me), but alright... got my own drink. Lost the others, danced with Joshua for a bit. Joshua kept telling me that I looked like Kat Dennings a lot and that he thinks I'm SO pretty even though I'm fat. Met Flo, Bauer, Bert, Sophie and Jan! Dania stopped by as well after some time. Talked to Bert even though all the others were there! Success. It was really really nice... we went outside for a smoke and somehow it ended up in a kissing party - I kissed Joshua, then Flo and then, omg, Bauer, twice. It was so good I had to stop myself. Talked with Bauer and Joshua about gay sex - apparently both had it. Maybe I should hook up with a girl too at some point? Met Simon and some oldish guy from Britanny / Channel Islands who were talking English in a heavy fake accent. They looked SO gay. He gave me two cigarrettes, we talked for almost an hour. Went back in, out again, some talking... slowly the others left, Flo even hooked up with a really pretty girl, in the end only me and Bert were left. I got him a beer, he danced until the lights went on. Walked home the whole way to Innstadt, it was already light outside. Went to the Norma bakery and got pretzels. Ate cheesy pretzels, talked, fell asleep.
  • 11.6.: Internet, cuddling, went to the city in order to meet Kati. Had to pick up a prescription from the gyn but it took ages. Afterwards we went shopping for a bit, had coffee at Casia. I looked at some dresses at H&M/C&A, bought a cardigan which is too small for me; just because it was cheap. Hm. Went grocery shopping with Bert and made pasta with olives, carrots and eggplant. Watched Hannibal and went out by bus. I joined Kathi, Lichti and Schmidi at Colors, some beer and talking. Making plans for tomorrow.
  • 10.6.: Went to the city in order to buy a birthday present for Lisa (got a book about sex). Bought some food, packed my stuff, went to the train station. Shared a BayernTicket with 3 girls from Moosburg and sat across from a police officer. In Plattling Marita hopped on, brought Apfelschorle for me. We took photos. Bought wine and Radler at the train station. Off to g-room. Birthday wishes for Lisa, ate some food. Somehow the night was a bit lame. Made collages (Lisa was a bit made because we made hers all about sex), Marita and Bauer made out a lot. Jan is mad at me as well?! Bert picked me up at 1:30. We watched Game of Thrones and Hannibal , some cuddling - awesome. So, we're friends with benefits now, hm? I still like him a lot. Talked until 5am or even longer, lying awake in bed until it got light outside.
  • 9.6.: Made veggie soup. Went for a swim with Lexi but it started raining. McDrive, pommes party in the car. Talked to Moni and Marita, told them about my date. Watched some Veep episodes, talked to Jo.
  • 8.6.: Pulled an all-nighter, read Doppelpack by Winnemuth and Praschl; shower, off to the flea market with Lena (bought a dress, a cardigan and a wallet); a little breakfast on the balcony. Train station, train to Munich with Lexi. Went to a second hand store, got burritos, short dm trip, found a ballet skirt in a "free stuff" box on the sidewalk. Went to Lenbachhaus (I got in for free! Art student bonus!). Had a look at the Ben&Jerry's core tour but it was too crowded. Katzencafé! Beautiful animals, but also, poor things... all those children. Lena and Lexi went home, I sat at Schellingstraße 3, alone. Called Jo, he hadn't replied to my text messages (but: I got the wrong number). He picked me up 20min. later (torturing waiting phase). We hugged, walked throuch the English garden and Schwabing. Got asked for the way / restaurant tips twice (so I guess we look trustworthy? And he explained so wonderfully!). Met 3 cats and many geese. Went for drinks outside a bar at Hohenzollernplatz. We talked about everything (Cher singles, superhero movies, _Electric Blue_), I even managed to look at him! He brought me to the underground station, hugged me goodbye. He's awesome. Had to wait for my train, got a whole cabin for myself and listened to Kurt Vile. Talked to Jo until 5am again :)
  • 7.6.: Evening: My Ly with Lena and Lexi, went to Kinoptikum and ran into Bauer on our way. He always makes me so happy! Talked a bit and took him with us because he totally went in the wrong direction. Chatted a bit more, met Uhl and Yanic, watched The Master. Weird movie. Talked to Jo until 5.
  • 6.6.: To the city, another job talk. I told him honestly about my situation, now he has to think about it. Considered getting another pair of ballerina flats at New Yorker but I didn't like any of the colours. Visited my grandma and enganged in knight fights with Jakob, also girly talks with Anna. Aldi, talking to Tobi and Jo until 5am.
  • 5.6.: Went to Hab und Gut, got 3 books (e.g. the whole Fawlty Towers screenplay!); Rewe, then Sneak Preview with Uhl (who paid for my ticket and we shared popcorn; felt like a date). Driving through Auloh. Talking to Tobi. Also with Jo until 5am.
  • 4.6.: Talked to Moni on the phone for 3,5hrs. Later to Tobi and Joachim, online. Cleaned my room a bit.
  • 3.6.: Woke up much too late again; dm and Lidl, got a nice new Astor lip balm in pink, it smells like Vanillekipferl. Also: free nail polish! Talked to Joachim in the evening - were both Taurus with Virgo rising and I like him a lot. Basically eating tomato mozzarella sandwiches all day.
  • 2.6.: Nuthiiin. Slept until 4.
  • 1.6.: Went to dm and Netto; later McD with friends. Then we went to Lexi's where we watched Shoot 'Em Up (meh) and played Verflixxt/Munchkin. Got some Sonnentor birthday presents from Lena, also walnut oil and a gift voucher for a thrift store in Munich. We might go there next Saturday (also: Ben and Jerry's ice cream tour!). Went home alone in the rain, no one to cuddle. Talked to Jan; he think I'd be really sexy if I was thinner. Nice. Another one.
  • 31.5.: Went to a Getränkemarkt with Bert, afterwards: looking at sunglasses for him. He got black ones from Ray Ban. Lonely night.
  • 30.5.: Public holiday. Got pizza and ice cream with Yanic and Lexi.
  • 29.5.: Forgot Bert's birthday and called him in the evening. Meh. Sneak Previes. Olympus Has Fallen - waste of time. Driving around Auloh, looking for a Seat Ibiza. Talking to Tobi for a bit.
  • 28.5.: Nothing much really. Bought purple nail polish and some food. Computer day.
  • 27.5.: Nothing? Meh.
  • 26.5.: Lame day. In the evening: The Broken Circle Breakdown at Kinoptikum and I came in for free (thanks uncle G.).
  • 25.5.: Went to the flea market with Lena (got a pair of shoes and a dress) but it started raining. Ate fries and little sausages. Went to Aldi. In the evening I wore the new dress (which has some kind of dirndl effect and really brings out my boobs because it's a little too tight); My Ly (got a birthday present from Lexi - hammered golden earrings from MADE), ice cream, Warm Bodies at Kinoptikum. When the movie was over the Champions League final was over too. Bayern won, of course.
  • 24.5.: Got up early and went to "work" - made a newsletter with Markus. It was really nice. Got stuff at the bakery, went to my car, bought mascara at dm, some food at Lidl. Went to Sabine's where we played Rommee and Spiel des Lebens.
  • 23.5.: Basically doing nothing all day. Staying up late. I made veggie soup!
  • 22.5.: Ha a job interview at 10am - super nice job, graphic design and marketing for a fancy boutique. And I think they actually liked me! The current designer is a friend of my brother, funny. Oh and they had my favourite David Aubrey earrings in stock! But they're 120€... Walked in heels for two hours, so much pain. Returned a dress at H&M (even though I had it longer than 28 days), ran into my aunt and uncle with Anna and Jakob.
  • 21.5.: Slept until 3, found a great job offer, went to C&A and bought tights, grocery shopping at Aldi and Kaufland. Played Don't Starve and wrote my CV.
  • 20.5.: Woke up next to Jan, we watched the last two Game of Thrones episodes. Cuddled a bit, fell asleep again. Had breakfast, watched Inception. Cleo came in and immediately sat next to Jan. This cat is so weird, afraid of everything but a huge guy on the sofa? No problem. Met my mum, went to the city. Sat on Mühleninsel for a while, got attacked by flies and ants. Then I brought him to a parking lot where Bert picked him up later. I balanced on a side rail but jumped off quite inelegantly. We saw a "romantic" pink and purple sky, rainclouds, lightning. I tried to kiss-rape him in order to prove my point (that the romantic weather situation was in fact tacky). Anyway. Went home and cooked rice pudding.
  • 19.5.: Watched shopping tv (mute), PC stuff, ate burger buns, drove to Landshut. Watched Shakespeare in Love and texted Jan who was in a train at the time. At 1am I went on a rescue mission to pick him up from Regensburg - he missed the last train. We had to set up the bed in the middle of the night. Oh well. But my mum slept through it.
  • 18.5.: Woke up at 4pm (new record?), had some food but also recurring stomach cramps. Talked to Jan about mental illness (now he's seriously concerned about me, great...), tried to get pain relief, watched Pieds nus sur les limaces with Diane Kruger and Ludivine Sagnier. In the night my stomach was really bad, I was so glad when it finally stopped and I could go to sleep.
  • 17.5.: Was sad and teary all day. Packed my bags, left Bert's flat and sat in the car for a bit. Went inside again. Had to be alone (omg I really cried a lot, and loudly, today), couldn't stand the idea of driving to Landshut. Got some food, got a stomach ache, talked to Jan.
  • 16.5.: Made two mix CDs, had strawberries with Nesquik dessert for breakfast. Then we went to Kopfing and walked the Baumkronenweg (it was incredibly windy on that tower). It was ok but exhausting. Marita and Kathi picked me up at 7:30, gave me a flower crown and played some music. We drove to Marita's place and I got a surprise picnic on the rooftop garden! Super nice, with delicious homemade food. And birthday presents: a lovely cat pillow and a plant. Ann-Katrin arrived, Hansi as well. When it got dark we went down, joining the others who were having BBQ. I had a stomach ache but fortunately it went away. Later we played Singstar and stayed awake until 6am. Singing, playing the guitar, dancing, drinking - in the end just Flo, Bauer, Marita and me. Relaxed and fun! At 4am Bert arrived but somehow he didn't improve the mood. Went home with the bus at 6:30, it was already sunny outside, the farmer's market was open. Went to bed and had to argue with Bert - so annoying.
  • 15.5.: Bert left for university, I went to the city by bike. I wanted to go to the hairdressers but decided not to... Paid a visit to Ann-Katrin on her rooftop terrace. Bought sunglasses at Müller, ballerinas at New Yorker and two dresses at C&A. Did some last second shopping at Rewe (got coconut ice cream!) and went home. Watched the sky for clouds and they came which is why I didn't go to the Passau Sternwarte - again. Drove to the gas station. I was alone, talking to Jan, and he was the first to wish me happy birthday. Bert arrived at 20 minutes past midnight... Wasn't a particulary nice start in my birthday - we watched a really stupid RTL show until it was time for bed. I don't understand this guy at all.
  • 14.5.: Did nothing all day. Again. Catched up on tv series, had pancakes with poppy seeds and strawberries. Made a nice salad in the evening.
  • 13.5.: Went shopping, made pancakes and later veggie lasagna. The oven broke and we had to repair it. Lazy tv/internet day again. Meh.
  • 12.5.: Gave my mum her mother's day trees, received an early birthday present in return. Spent the afternoon in front of the computer, eating sweets, talking to people on OkC. Got some washing done, packed my stuff, met Lexi at McCafé for one of our existential Sunday night talks; went to Passau with Anna, watched Hannibal with Bert.
  • 11.5.: Got woken up too early by a phone call, had some food, tv, internet, took a shower. Got plants for my mum (Mother's Day), visited my grandma. Went to the city, bought sandals and a necklace at H&M, had Mexican food and a Mojito at Cantina with Lexi, Yanic and Fischi. Then I got my PS2 from the storage unit (omg I had to remove everything because, of course, it was the last box I tried), then we played Buzz at Lexi's. Went home, chatted with Margit until 3:30am.
  • 10.5.: Went to two Hab&Gut stores, only got three books (one of them a copy of The Secret History for Lexi). Grocery shopping, made veggie spaghetti, watched Science of Sleep with Yanic and Lexi. It was super lame because she bought it in Amsterdam so it only had Dutch subtitles. Went home, bored out of my mind. Finished watching The Carrie Diaries and went to bed at 3am.
  • 9.5.: Woke up sad, Bert left for some beer tour. Cried a bit, packed my stuff, got my car. Lay on the grass at the art department with Kathi, Marita, Elli, Matze and Kathi E... Sunshine, strawberries, doing exactly nothing. Helped Marita pack some boxes into her car. Drove to Landshut. Wanted to meet Lexi for some McCafé whining but she wasn't there. Got a burger and fries, sat in the car for 15 minutes until I finally went inside. Totally don't want to live at home right now. Cried a bit more, hugged the kitties, lay in the garden when it was dark outside. More food, tv, internet. Talked to Bert about my birthday.
  • 8.5.: Made pasta bake, had a shower and drove to uni: we had a nude drawing class, then I returned all my books to the library and joined the others for BBQ at the G-room. It was alright there, Jan ignored me the whole time though. But yeah, guess I'm used to being ignored by men. Flo changed clothes with Juliane, Bauer's ex-girlfriend. Hilarious. He even wore her shoes, fake balloon boobs and a blonde wig. Bauer played the guitar and we sang along. I smoked two cigarettes and have lung pain ever since. Went home by bike at 4am. Bert was in bed already and then he mentioned again that it's ending between us which made me so fucking sad I started crying and sat in bed until it was light outside.
  • 7.5.: Hanging out at Bert's, going to Marita's by bus where we had dinner on the porch with Konsti and Bauer, later also Flo, Patti and David... we wanted to go to Moritz' birthday party but she had to get up early the next day so I went alone at 11:30 and stopped by for half an hour. Played table top soccer with Moritz. Walked home. Met a cat.
  • 6.5.: Breakfast, Game of Thrones, sex, pistachio white chocolate ice cream, some reading, afternoon nap. This week a girl contacted me on OkC... she seems cool and I think we're quite similar. Maybe we will meet some time.
  • 5.5.: Spent the day alone in bed, catching up on all the TV series (e.g. The Carrie Diaries ). Cleaned the flat, Bert arrived at night and it was weird at first, I felt so distant from him.
  • 4.5.: Weird day alone, met Matze at Norma and we both bought the same bottle of wine. Drove to Jan's, we lay in bed watching Almost Famous, cuddling, kissing. I ate some strawberries, inevitably broke his stupid old bed, fell asleep and left at like 1am with a long, hard hug.
  • 3.5.: Alone at Bert's. Nachtflohmarkt with Kathi, Lisa and Hansi. Afterwards Colors where Moritz, Christel and Schmidi joined us. Walked home in the rain. Honest talk to Jan. Superhonest talk to Bert. Emotional fuckery. So I guess I'm Jan's friend with benefits now because I'm not Bert's dreamgirl. Nice. Great timing anyway.
  • 2.5.: Went for coffee with Katrin, clothes shopping with Bert, got goceries, made eggplant burgers, finished watching Homeland.
  • 1.5.: Lazy day, public holiday. We made pasta and watched the FCB-FCB match.
  • 30.4.: Woke up dizzy, read a bit, went home and cleaned my flat until the owner and Victoria stopped by. Talking some shit, visiting Mr. Resch. Went to Bert, got food, talked to Jan and noticed that I forgot to get my cash from the car rental. Took me 1 hour in order to get gas and drive back and forth... Went grovery shopping, had food. Bert left for a soccer match, I talked to Jan until midnight when he suddenly pulled an asshole move on me and left for a bar (I felt too tired and filthy to go as well). Drove to my old flat again because I forgot to leave my garage keys. Met Victoria (which I could have avoided by going there 5min. later... damnit). She told me she won't be moving in now because the flat is moldy. Omg. So many problems. Went home sad and angry, feeling lonely. Texted Jan, picked up Bert at 4am.
  • 29.4.: Last night in my flat; went to the car rental and picked up the moving truck. Bought some food at the bakery, waited for Miri and Bert. It took almost 2 hours to empty the flat. I drove to LA where I unloaded everything in the storage unit with Lexi, my mum and Martin. I invited Lexi for some pizza at Lindenwirt. Went to PA again, had a quick shower and cycled to the g-room. Had way too much white wine and ended up so drunk I slept while leaning against a wall on the veranda. Lisa, Miri and Ramona gave me a bikeseat cover as a farewell gift, so cute. Also cute: Jan checking on me all the time. But he left me there and went home so I had to call Bert. He picked me up and put me to bed.
  • 28.4.: More packing. Went to Kowalski with Lisa, Flo and Miri. I had pasta Mykonos. Then we sat in g-room with Konsti and Bauer, talked about the men in my life and random stuff.
  • 27.4.: A lot of packing and work in the flat. Got wine and food at Rewe, got showered and dressed and wanted to watch Invader Zim with Jan but it didn't work out. A great night of The Alpha Male Games until 4am.
  • 26.4.: Got breakfast and went to Bert's but he was still sleeping and didn't want to get up and catch up on tv shows. Ate a sandwich and continued reading Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher. Fell asleep, woke up grumpy and left immediately, especially when I found out about the previous night's wank-a-thon. Drove to Ilzstausee but the water was still too cold. Grocery shopping, internet talks. Started reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.
  • 25.4.: Bella came with her father and we disassembled my wardrobes. Got 40€ for them! Lena K. stopped by. I got mushrooms, olives, beer and baguette, went to a BBQ. Said goodbye to Marita who left for Venice that evening. Sat around until 4 or 5 am, met Dania (most masculine women ever) and Merlin.
  • 24.4.: Slept on the couch. Pizza and Homeland for breakfast. Evi and her little son came and picked up some records. NOT packing, then I went to Lisa's vernissage in MMK where we had wine spritzer at the Danube. Afterwards Café Museum (where I had filled bell peppers), petted Lisa's cute dog. Then to Camera where we met Bauer and Flo and I talked to Mr Davies (and his friend Alex, the boss at Camera) all night long. He bought me a Jägermeister and bitched about the English department. And he told me about his sexual orientation, finally. Music was bad by the way. Oh, and Marita and Flo switched their clothes.
  • 23.4.: Went home, did quite some packing, spent my evening on the bathroom floor because internet connection was best there. Watched Aristocats and got updates from the Bayern-Barcelona match from Jan. Then we went out, played tabletop soccer, I met Elli and Matze, got to know Theresa, saw naed guys, stuff like that. Too much beer. Then I convinced Jan to come home with me and play Buzz but my scart adapter was gone so we sat on the sofa and had wine. Then Bert came home drunk and Jan left...
  • 22.4.: Nothing much. Some packing, tv and internet in the evening, mashed potatos with grilled cheese and zucchini.
  • 21.4.: Woke up feeling much better. Went home, packed some boxes. Someone came to pick up my tv for free but it was too small for them so they didn't take it, wtf. Had plans to play Buzz with Jan and Bente but of course, no...
  • 20.4.: Woke up at 10am, after a dream about my old school. Felt much better. Had peppermint tea and sesame sticks. Actually went grocery shopping and had soup. Watched Hercules. Felt shitty and lonely.
  • 19.4.: Still super sick. Slept the whole day. Watched Vikings but it haunted me in my sleep. Talking to Jan, sleep again (still so weak).
  • 18.4.: Nothing special. Finally free. Packed one moving box, went to the city, bought a cheap dress and chocolate eggs. Finished reading Heartburn by Norah Ephron in the morning. In the night I got so sick myself. Puking is so annoying.
  • 17.4.: Got pizza, studied for my English oral exam, took it and passed - top marks! Yes! Then I nursed Bert who was home sick (stomach flu).
  • 16.4.: Some studying for the oral state exam. Fell asleep to early.
  • 15.4.: Meh. Studying, not studying, tv, internet, food.
  • 14.4.: Went to see my grandma, sat in the garden, eating cheese cake. Got my boxes for moving and drove to PA with Julia E.
  • 13.4.: Hab und Gut, bought a clothes rack at Emslander, shower and internet, pool billard and tabletop soccer later. Rocket Club with Lena. It was SO SO SO empty. Went home soon.
  • 12.4.: Ate pretzels with Bert, got my stuff and drove to LA. Thai curry, Dult, fireworks. Later lying on the sofa at Lexi's, all four of us, in the dark. Talking. Not talking. U. threw nuts into my mouth. Ok.
  • 11.4.: Internet, Book Aid (got 5 books!), shopping in Austria (delicious stuff yes yes yes); Bert's comment on why I have to touch him softly: "If I want to have an unpleasant feeling I drink 8 or 10 beers and wake up the next day." Made eggplant burgers. Watched Homeland, drove to the bank (afterwards Bert jokingly put 5€ in my neckline), brought him to Kapfinger, went home. Shower, went to Kapfinger myself at midnight and played tabletop soccer with Jan for two and a half hours. Had a vodka shot. Went outside. Met an old shorttime neighbour of mine. She's the touchy feely kind of person... I tried to explain something to a French guy in my excellent French (ha) and failed miserably. Omg. I really gotta practise if I want to work in France this summer. English comes so easy, I tend to forget how hard French now is for me.
  • 10.4.: Finished reading The China Study (excellent!). Ate veggie pasta. Internet. Oh, also read two more books. So much reading lately.
  • 9.4.: Internet, had to come up with a topic for my English oral exam and went to Mr. D's office hours. Later Grüner Baum with Lisa, Marita, Ramona (it was her birthday) and two of her friends. Then I had a mojito at Funky Buddha Bar and wrote stupid SMS with Jan. Expensive evening somehow... gift, food and drinks - 30€. So drunk (why, only one cocktail!) and tired, fell asleep in my clothes.
  • 8.4.: Doctor's appointment (I got beautiful model veins), internet, reading The China Study, fajitas chez Bert. Had to give him a massage.
  • 7.4.: Reading, sleeping, eating. Talking to Jan. A visit to Mr. Resch, we looked at all his USA photos. Bert in the evening.
  • 6.4.: Read the whole day, went to Stadtgalerie pharmacy, tried on some clothes, grocery shopping, home. More reading.
  • 5.4.: Watched four episodes of Grey's Anatomy at Bert's while he was studying. Drove him to uni, then Kaufland, home, back at Bert's, read a book. He drove me home. Victoria stopped by with a friend to look at the flat again. Internet.
  • 4.4.: SMS from Ronja who invited me to her birthday party. Bought stuff for a salad, went to the party at 7:30. Met Georg, Maria and Lukas. We danced to swing, Disney and 90's music, had good food and a lot of red wine. Later Bert picked me up. Homeland.
  • 3.4.: Shopping with Miri. Hanging out at Marita's, then we went to Kreuzweis with Lichti and Kathi. We played board games and had carrot soup.
  • 2.4.: Gas station. Amtsarzt in the morning. Stupid bitch. Had to pee in a cup, then she examined me... she was so fucking unfriendly and basically told me I'm gonna die soon. Yeah. Home, tired. All I ever seem to do these days is lying on the sofa with a book in my hand as an alibi, staring at the ceiling, searching for patterns in the plaster, looking out of the window. Marita's call woke me up. She was at the doctor's today as well and told me about her car hunt. Later I wanted to go to Mr. D but I didn't have a good topic for the exam anyway yet so I returned home, got changed, picked up Jan, got trash bags at Penny and then we helped Miri with her moving boxes. Carried them down to the car; then we drove to Haiming / Marktl / Burghausen; picked up another car, unloaded the cars, had spaghetti (Miri's house is really cool); wanted to watch football but it wasn't on tv. Drove to Brughausen instead, saw surreal industry sites (OMV / Wacker), saw the castle, ate at Knoxoleum. Drove back to PA, Jan always in my car, listening to The Prodigy. Picked something up at Miri's, drove to Bert.
  • 1.4.: Still at Bert's; Easter Monday. Read for a bit, got food at my place and did the dishes, later we made pasta / potato salad / schnitzel for him. And disgusting little strawberry tartlettes. Game of Thrones and Sightseers.
  • 31.3.: Boring day, talking to Jan on ICQ, went to Halser Burgruine in the late afternoon and almost got muscle cramps in my legs. Took some photos. Veggie burgers at McDonalds. Bert in the evening.
  • 30.3.: Weird day, went shopping and met Ludo. Stalking Jan, talking to him online in the evening for a long time.
  • 29.3.: Woke up drunk and with a bad stomach, Ramona had already left. Made some peppermint tea and continued sleeping on the couch. An awesome dream: going out / on quests, to different clubs, apartments, and a hiking trail in France, skiing with Jan, Ramona, Markus and Bert. So many adventures. Later Bauer was there as well and Bert wrote me stupid SMS which I wanted to show him. Jan told me all the time that they were on my side and laughing about Bert's behaviour. Woke up from an SMS by Ramona. Fell asleep again, talked to many people on the phone. Started re-reading Catching Fire, watched some Smash episodes.
  • 28.3.: Left Bert at 5:30 because I couldn't sleep and he was annoyed. Slept some more at home, went shoe/dress shopping with Marita (but only got weird parrot earrings); sandwich at a Lebanese snack station, Norma, antoher round of alcohol shopping with Miri. Went home and had a shower etc. Arrived at the party at 6:45 and events took place... We were so drunk, had so much fun, but I hate Pfundner now (insulted me and Lichti for example); Marita's friends are quite weird in general. We wrote in a friendship book for Miri, I established a weird buddy-friendship with Matze. Anna H. came, which was really cool! Sat outside in the rain with Jan for a long time, talking. Intense. Weird. Awkward. He gave me his jacket. At like 5am Bert came; I even talked to Chris which is rare. Went home with Jan and Ramona, it was snowing and already light outside.
  • 27.3.: Spring cleaning and mold-fighting at Marita's. Shopping with Marita and Ramona for the big party. We made noodle salad, coconut cake, cooked and dyed easter eggs. Bert picked me up. Fried zucchini and The Walking Dead.
  • 26.3.: Internet, then I paid Mr D. a visit in order to talk about my oral exams; visited Mr. Resch who was in hospital, wen talked for almost 2 hours and I got two bottles of apple juice. Then I went to g-room and played Buzz with Miri, Konsti, Jan and two others. I won the first time, the second time Jan beat me but it was SO CLOSE. We went home together and I SMS-fighting with Bert for not letting me come to the bar.
  • 25.3.: Saw a gynaecologist anyway and got a recipe, went to see Marita or Miri but no one was there, went to the library instead. Picked up the pills in Innstadt pharmacy, Norma, food, WWM, tv.
  • 24.3.: Lazy Sunday, Bert's in the evening, some episodes of The Walking Dead, had a bloody sex-cident.
  • 23.3.: Woke up at 11. Had porridge with apple, pear and raspberries. Wanted to drive to a fleamarket but the fleamarket wasn't there. Hm. Auryn eco store, Lena went to the train station in order to go back to LA, I went to Rewe and Penny. Then some internet; slept from 4-11pm (must have been exhausted). More internet. Food. Painting. Listening to Meike Winnemuth reading her book Das große Los.
  • 22.3.: Art education exam (I wrote about creative ways to work with trash in art class). Looked at Lisa's and Christina's clay masks, went home and cooked dinner with Lena. She was supercute, bought a flower and some chocolate eggs for me and wrote a little card - "Geschafft!". Afterwards we took a long walk around the Ortsspitze and went to Marita's, then Miri's, where I removed mirror tiles from her wall. Scary and satisfying, I love manual work. Home again, time for a shower and spaghetti dinner, getting dressed, then Marita's again where we sat with Ramona, Sager, Jan, Miri and Kathi, drinks (white wine, wokda with cherry juice, licor 43 with milk). I took a Wick day med because I hardly slept at all; then I took a bottle of beer and a bottle of gin from the g-room; we walked to Colors where we ordered maracuja juice and secretly filled it up with gin. Took some photos, nerd-contest with Jan (Game of Thrones! How many programming languages do you speak? Metal!), tabletop soccer with Jan and Miri (we lost 3-4 but I played so much better than expected!)... Jan and Lena got along very well. Then Ramona, Miri, Jan, Lena and me walked to Camera (metal night...) Had some beer, danced until 4am. Really creepy touchy guys there and someone farted all the time. Ew. But all in all it was really great. I think I unknowingly caused a misunderstanding which made Jan think I was single and he totally hit on me. Argh. Feel awkward and guilty now.
  • 21.3.: Art history exam, had to compare works by Dorothea Lange and Pablo Picasso. Pizza at Padu with Miri, Marita and Lisa. Spending some time at Miri's, Rewe, internet, reading some art education books. In the evening Lena arrived in PA.
  • 20.3.: On and off studying (art history).
  • 19.3.: trying to study, procrastinating, eating, falling asleep, dreaming about going to IKEA with Mum and Moni who were talking all the time while I was jogging around in the empty floors. Later I visited my HNO-doctor (Kyle McLachlan!) who informed me about my gum-tumor which developed because I am shy and unable to change my life. Went to the toilet when someone came in. He showered in the cabin next to me and it was as if I was in the shower with him, so wet. I noticed blood mixing with the water. I felt threatened and scared and was convinced to be stabbed any minute.
  • 18.3.: Made a big shopping tour with Moni. Got a dotted blouse. Ate running sushi. Cut her hair. Grocery shopping. Hab&Gut - found an incredibly gorgeous dress again (blue with light stripes in red and white) but unfortunately it's a bit too small. Really gotta go vegan now. Wanna be slimmer. Argh. But met with Lexi at 9am for veggie burgers at McDonalds and sat there until 11pm, talking about important things. Drove to PA, suddenly there was SNOW and my tires are so bad. Exhausting. Had to drive like 70 or 80km/h. Came home to a freezing cold apartment. Lonely.
  • 17.3.: St. Patrick's day but I didn't feel like going to the pub. Wanted to meet with Moni in the evening but she was drunk on celebratory prosecco and couldn't come. Wasted my day on the internet. Was sad after "talking" to B. on the phone. Felt unloved.
  • 16.3.: Went to Munich by train (I HATE public transport), had coffee with Tamara, went to Heldenmarkt with Lena and Johanna, then we ate mezze with bread at a Persian restaurant, afterwards some shops in the city (Muji, Zara, COS). Went home. Wanted to go to 80's revival party but everyone dropped out (I need new friends!). Spend the evening in bed with Cleo, Lexi and Yanic, looking at old photos and videos, trying to make a dating profile for Uhl, drinking vodka, eating crackers. Trying to ignore their snogging.
  • 15.3.: Made great pasta, internet, My Ly in the evening with Fischi, Uhl, Lexi and Yanic. Ice cream parlor afterwards, I had liquid white hot chocolate with vanilla ice cream and forest fruits. Recommended!
  • 14.3.: Went to Hab&Gut and found an amazing polka dot dress as well as interesting English books and some pictures (yay!), bought bread at Brotkastl. Went grocery shopping with Mum and Johannes. Got ingredients for veggie pasta and a big salad. Internet. Paid Lexi a visit, we lay on the sofa, ate popcorn and blueberries, watched GNTM etc.
  • 13.3.: Washed the dishes, got dressed, put all my paintings and potted plants into my car, painted my nails, drove to Landshut. Went to the dentist, brought all the plants into the house. Picked up Uhl, filled up on gas, went to Munich. Picked up Yanic and Alexandra, drove to Perlach and had dinner with Obi and Lena (I had a big salad with grilled halloumi cheese and passion fruit spritzer). Then we went to Backstage and had an amazing time with The Darkness, but I'm like deaf now. Drove home to LA as quick as possible. Wah, driving in a big city is really annoying.
  • 12.3.: Fell asleep with all the lights on... Continued reading books about Modigliani. Internet. Food. Fell asleep. I keep having weird dreams about Bert using me as a servant or hiding me somewhere. Today I hid in a tent in his room, was supposed to deliver Knödel for 27 guests on my bike; I also went swimming in a lake. I don't know. Prophetic? Made pasta with zucchini, eggplant and bell peppers. Had to throw out my OPI Chick FLick Cherry nail polish (old age). Started reading Das simple Leben by Sarah Kirsch.
  • 11.3.: Somebody rang my doorbell at 8:30 and I woke up, nobody was there. Weird. SMS from Victoria, who really really wants to rent my flat. Made an appointment with her. Got some cleaning done, talking to Barbara, NK Bib and REWE with Miri. Eating lunch (huge yummy salad), internet, showed Victoria the flat. She really liked it and wants to meet the owners tomorrow. Later she came back with her boyfriend and had a second look. More internet. Talking to insurance / pension people on the phone. Mum on the phone. More groceries, library. Too much sugar.
  • 10.3.: Feeling a little depressed, started watching Take This Waltz, eating all the time, internet, finally made an ad for my apartment and already got one reply from a doctor, talked to Moni on the phone. Grocery shopping again and library.
  • 9.3.: Woke up groggy, internet, some cleaning, food, angry at B. for chatting with random girls, talking to Mum on the phone, little trip to Bahnhofstraße, trying on weird jackets and buying brushes, powder and chocolate eggs.
  • 8.3.: Internet, book on art education, mental breakdown for dinner (What do I actually want to do? Does anybody love me? Where do I belong? Blah blah). Grocery shopping (I bought ice cream which was supposed to cheer me up but gave me an incredible sugar rush instead), HNO doctor (weird nerve test with beeping headphones but of course they didn't find anything, I shall take Tebonin until the day I die or have me artieries checked). Spontaneous decision to go and donate blood (got Lindt chocolate and zigzag scissors). DM and Aldi. Internet. Watching Girls. Filled out an organ donor card. Terrible trouble sleeping because of ear noises. Bert called drunk at 4am. Yeah.
  • 7.3.: Internet, finished reading The Bell Jar, an art education book, Bert went to the hairdressers, we made pasta with rucola and parmigiano.
  • 6.3.: Internet, reading The Bell Jar, meeting Marita and Lisa in order to talk about the art education exam. Big salad with avocado and feta cheese, The IT Crowd.
  • 5.3.: Marita made me breakfast, off to the library (I read two of Anna Achmatowa's books of poetry). At 1pm I came back, me Konsti, who sat in the splendid March sun with his laptop. Marita and me made fish with broccoli and salad. Then her parents came and brought late birthday presents. I went back to the library and read the first half of The Bell Jar. In the evening I bought some food and had dinner at Marita's before Bert arrived in PA.
  • 4.3.: Going back to PA. I forgot my keys and had to camp out at Marita's which was actually kinda nice. We watched BBC art DVDs (about Hokusai's wave print and Manet's Dejeuner sur l'herbe) and I read her a bedtime story ( Mio, mein Mio by Astrid Lindgren).
  • 3.3.: A little trip to Ellermühle with Obi and Lena (who just got her driver's license) and a visit to my Granny. Uhl's birthday party.
  • 2.3.: Hab und Gut (bought two books and a skirt), lazy afternoon. Sabine's birthday party until 3am.
  • 1.3.: English education exam. Didn't go extremely well but I think I passed. Watched a documentary about Julia Kristeva and made a birthday card for Uhl. Gas station, switched Bert's server on and off. Disgusting white chocolate, a long ride home. Speeding to Pomp and Circumstance March #1. Went shopping for birthday presents with Yanic and Lexi (funny sniffing action in the tea store), so many fajitas at Cantina, hot chocolate at Chocolat. Missed the movie at cinema. Went home. Tired.
  • 28.2.: Internet, so much inspiration by Phoebe Wahl. Eating all the things, starting to study a bit at 11pm. Shower. Singing Foundations by Kate Nash. More studying until 4am.
  • 27.2.: Internet, library, grocery shopping with Marita, HNO (got ginko pills, superweird), doing nothing. Eating, reading.
  • 26.2.: Got up at 6:30, exam: text production and translation (a letter and an article, only 500 words). Painted a birthday card (Pippi Longstocking balancing on a laundry line) for Marita and wrapped her gifts while watching tv shows. Grüner Baum in the evening with Marita, Ramona, Lisa, Matze, Sager, Kathi and Vroni. Colors afterwards but I was really tired and went home before 2am. Riding my bike was exhausting. Gotta move more.
  • 25.2.: Got up at 6am, got dressed, read some more index cards. Went to NK and wrote my English literature exam until 11. I wrote about James Joyce's "The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" and about Modernism. Went alright but it was exhausting and shamefully little time. Made pizza, watched some shows, slept for 3 hours (unbelievably necessary). When I woke up my ear noises were gone (only to return after 10 minutes). Some cleaning, more internet. Late night last minute studying. I really wonder how I survive with such minimal effort.
  • 24.2.: Being all excited, talking to Mum on the phone, deciding to cancel my lease as soon as possible (end of April). Tried to study but my mind kept wandering... what to pack, where to go, what to sell etc. Head = in future. Internet... stayed up until 3am to read a book and index cards.
  • 23.2.: Saturday. Finished a book about English education, grocery shopping, drove home, internet catch-up, bought jeans at H&M and Essie nail polish, more internet. Happy, coincidental revelation: I want to volunteer at WWOOF this summer, preferably in the UK or France (because I probably can't afford an oversea-flight). More internet. Cleaning. No studying. Shit.
  • 22.2.: Some studying, food, Shopping Queen. Minimal Klezmer Trio in KunstWERK / "Das intime Format" photo exhibition. Dancing! Intimate, inspiring talk with Benni who goes to Thailand next week. Got a parking ticket which was not for me (wrong license number but funnily enough I actually parked illegaly). Picked up Bert who was extremely drunk and annoying. He told me (after 5 years!) that he's related to Richard Wagner. WTF. I did some research and he actually told the truth.
  • 21.2.: Another day of studying lazily, a lot of sleep, eating, tv.
  • 20.2.: Went to the doctor's for my ear noises. She gave me nose spray. LOL. Stupid. Bert's, studying, food, The IT Crowd, stuff.
  • 19.2.: Visited Miri and Marita while they had their pottery exam. Librabry. Bräuhaus with Matze, Stefan and Marita. I had fried eggs, wirsing and potatoes. Slept at home. Internet. Stuff. Studying?
  • 18.2.: Lunch at Kowalski after Marita's and Ramona's primary school education exam (I had weird thai noodles), drove home to get my camera charger, threw away old glass bottles and got vinegar all over my hand (also couldn't tell the difference between brown and green glass). Marita and Stefan picked me up from the Norma parkin lot, we drove to Austria for some gas, then to Rossbach in order to visit Kathi and Moritz. And donkeys, and sheep. They renovated Kathi's grandpa's old house, it's so beautiful now! Envy. They built everything themselves, it's so so nice. It inspired my to sell all my IKEA shit and start building furniture myself. I inspected their self-made bed and knocked on the wood when Kathi said "Come in!" and everyone laughed. Then we played darts, ate cake, visited the animals. Long drive home to Passau. Fajitas and The Walking Dead. New in: The IT Crowd.
  • 17.2.: Internet, sleeping all day, no studying again, ARGH. Bert came home and I was like yay, human contact!
  • 16.2.: Alone at Bert's, food and internet. Dealing with my fucking tinnitus. Mailing some birthday wishes to Christina. Kaufland, dm. Bought weird peas and thought they were Edamame beans. Ugh. Ramen noodles. More internet.
  • 15.2.: Internet, attempt at studying but fell asleep, Bert came home from his exam and fell asleep next to me. Shopping Queen. In the evening Kleiderkreisel at Kathi's (as well as her madly delicious Semmelknödel with mushroom sauce) with Vroni, Marita and Miri. Wearing one of my new polka dot dresses for the first time and looking extra cute. Baking brownies in the middle of the night, online games until 4am. Documentation on ARTE about gay artist Ralf König.
  • 14.2.: Got up fucking early because of my practical art exam. Had to draw salad (!) with a chair and a box. I'm not happy with my drawings... but I'm a perfectionist, so... whatever. Afterwards Ramona and me walked to Miri's apartment and watched Shopping Queen with Marita. Took the bus to Bert's, listened to Bonbon aus Wurst by Helge Schneider on the bus and must have looked like a madwoman with my grin. Made pizza, another trip to dm, maybe some studying but mostly sleeping. Oh, and berry-yoghurt chocolate.
  • 13.2.: Returned most of the stuff to the drug store, bought other stuff at the drug store. Grocery shopping, got my art supplies ready for my practical state exam on Valentine's Day. ASOS package came with my POLKA DOT DRESS omfg. Beautiful. Studying, thai curry, tummy grumbles, stuff.
  • 12.2.: A dream about me, Lena and Lexi, and old teacher of ours, Mrs. Engelhardt. She had a midlife crisis and a tall, calm, bear-like husband. A rope bridge over misty Bodensee (again?! and apparently Bodensee is right next to Norway in my dreams). I talked some sense into her and calmed her down. Also, something about a museum / art store? I remember books about famous painters, I think... | Got an invitation from Kathi - Friday Knödel and private flea market. Challenge accepted... got some decluttering to do. Grocery and drug store shopping. Weird buys. Prinzenrolle. Homeland and "Reiberdatschi mit Sauerkraut" in the evening. Shopping Queen. Studying, internet. Depression / nervous breakdown / self pity night. Having problems with my eye and headaches, thinking I might die. Lying around thinking. Life = fail?
  • 11.2.: Weird day. Grocery shopping twice, some tv, internet, some studying. Still at Bert's. Bonbon aus Wurst by Helge Schneider. Only two Pushing Daisies episodes left. Aw.
  • 10.2.: Still felt depressed after waking up but it got a little better. I managed to do all the dishes (from about two weeks) and cleaned my make-up brushes. Watched Me Without You with Anna Friel and Michelle Williams. Three loads of laundry but apparently the machine is broken - it won't remove the water so my clothes were soaking wet. Hung them in the drying room at Bert's but it will be days until they're dry.
  • 9.2.: Depression? Slept all day, internet, food, tried reading To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf and slept again. Oh, and I painted some dots on my nails. That's it.
  • 8.2.: Woke up at 1pm, internet, Bert left, internet and make up stuff, studying, fell asleep, went to Kaufland with Miri in the evening. Eating. TV shows. Finished reading Every Day by David Levithan.
  • 7.2.: Drove Bert to university for his exam, went grocery shopping, made a feta and spinach roll, internet, studying, Shopping Queen, Bert drove me home and I went to cinema with Bauer, Miri, Vanessa and Markus (_Gangster Squad_). Bert came home at 3am and was so drunk... he blamed me for being not interested in politics and fell asleep. He snored SO loudly (plus sleep apnoe)... I couldn't sleep and read a book. I even kicked him whenever he stopped breathing but he wouldn't wake up.
  • 6.2.: Miri woke me up early with two SMS. Breakfast, internet. Studying. TV. Ate a salad and leftover pasta bake.
  • 5.2.: Still at Bert's. Reading, studying, writing index cards. Some tv, internet, grocery shopping. Made pasta bake. Got a massage, took a shower, used a lot of the Sainsbury's mango orange blossom bodylotion. Cleaned the apartment, fixed a light switch, hung up a calendar. Was supposed to be meeting with Mr. D. in the afternoon but he cancelled.
  • 4.2.: Some exam-related reading, spaghetti with pesto Genovese, tv, a great shopping trip to dm and Lidl. We made filled eggplant and peppers. Nom nom! Started watching Community. Richard III's skeleton was discovered under a parking lot in Leicester (following a psychic's intution).
  • 3.2.: Woke up happy because of very strange party / Simpsons / gaming / I have an affair with B. dreams. Buns with cream cheese, rucola, tomatoes and Emmentaler. Internet. Visit to Grandma. Got picked up by Bert and we drove to Passau. Some food, tv, sleepytime.
  • 2.2.: Got up early, made a wild animal themed lantern with Jan (elephant and two lions), grocery shopping with Mum, going on a walk with the neighbour's dog for one and a half hours. Going shopping with Lexi (she almost killed me by taking somebody's right of way on the street)... she bought lovely boots but will probably return them (boo). And a sweatshirt which says "meow". I only bought a powder brush. Then we went to Cantina and had a huge plate of nachos and guacamole as well as Desperados. Then we went home, Yanic stopped by, all the others bailed on us; we prepared for a night out and had some Cuba Libres. Then we walked to Rocket Club where the bouncer wouldn't let us in at first because it was so crowded. I was asked for my ID card (24 - wow, you still look young!), got a Vodka Lemon and danced until 3am. Burger King. Walking home. So tired. Felt really old. Turns out Bert was at the party as well but didn't tell me / didn't find me and thought I was gone already. Offended. He said he didn't look around properly because he didn't want to be so far away from the bar...
  • 1.2.: Made "breakfast": potato and carrot dices with pesto Genovese, yoghurt and roasted pine nuts. Internet. Some cleaning. Delivery: black jeans from ASOS. Super spintaneous decision to go to LA with Bert. Surprise visit! Bought a spare part for our clarinet at the music store, went shopping for a bit; pool billard, Burger King, first visit at Pulverfass which is incredibly tacky but great fun. German Schlager, embarrassing party music and a lot of glitz and bling.
  • 31.1.: Went to Marita's by bus, then we went to Prüfungsamt and turned our final grades in. Marita FINALLY got her EWS results (1,0!) and we went to Miri's where we watched Shopping Queen and had pasta with pesto. And chocolate croissants. Miri's sister and Ka Mü were also there. Then Kathi, Marita and me went to Bennetton, K&L and Müller. And we met Lichti on FuZo. At home I ate cereals, decided to go to H&M (bought a green dress and a purple shirt which are both kinda tight), spent the evening on the internet, skyping with Marita, talking on the phone to Marita, Mama and Moni. Some reading (Rothko's writings), some drawing.
  • 30.1.: Some reading, some internet, ordering pizza, watching Modern Family. Some more internet, Kaufland with Vanessa, Miri and Markus (bought so much alcohol...). Some more internet procrastination, then I went to Marita / G-room for our cocktail party. Painted Jan's bald head with Henna, applied lipgloss to Bauer's lips and did his hair, had fake boobs made out of oranges and many mojitos. Stuff like that. Bert picked me up, some tv, sleepytime.
  • 29.1.: English literature seminar for the last time, library, talking to art professors about our grades with Ramona and Miri, visiting Marita for a bit (talking about our BMI for the Referendariat, for example). Home, ramen noodles, bread, baking lemon cake. Eating lemon cake. Internet. Bert came over at 2 or 3am and I couldn't sleep because ALL THE SNORES. Slept on the couch.
  • 28.1.: At Bert's: Studying, some food, more studying, more food, sleeping, tv, grovery shopping, more food, tv, sleep.
  • 27.1.: Got up very early, helped out at an inventory listing in a bookstore with Miri, Bente and Jan. SUCH FUN! I really like organising thing. We had pizza for lunch and afterwards I went to Aran with Vanessa and Miri. Great cake but pricey... Then we visited Marita whose kidneys were blocked. I drove to Bert's, we had spaghetti with veggies and watched some tv.
  • 26.1.: Got up too late again, internet, K&L and Rewe, food, more internet, baking a cake and some protein bread, weak attempt at studying, fell asleep, cleaned the kitchen and did the dishes. Brought out the trash and met my neighbour who told me that her dog Lisa Müller had died only a few days ago.
  • 25.1.: Woke up at 11, with lights on and the blinds still closed (which I loathe), internet, some food, recorded make-up videos of myself, internet and tv shows; at 7 I went to an indoor night flea market at Zeughaus with Kathi (I bought blue stone earrings and two records - Nina Hagen and Roxy Music); we met Anna, then we went to Café Museum and had pasta / veggie chili. Sms conversation with Miri who was too lazy to come and have cocktails with us. Walked home. More internet. Porridge.
  • 24.1.: Still at Bert's. Bit of studying, bit of internet, bit of tv and eating. Drinking coffee and becoming so itchy I annoy even myself. Bürgerbegehren, dm and Lidl (aaawesome new gourmet salads!), some more internet, laking to Marita on the phone and looking at her impromptu fashion show photos, reading, the end.
  • 23.1.: Got up at 9, started studying immediately (omg) and I actually enjoyed it. Cultural history is so interesting. Some knäckebrot, milk coffee; some tv and internet in the afternoon (became friends with Vanessa on FB), fell asleep from 4-7, grocery shopping, drove Bert to his poker game, back to his place all alone; fish sticks and chocolate, internet, some more reading. Talking to the gang about going to Paris in March (there are 50€ train tickets available because of the anniversary of the Elysée contract).
  • 22.1.: Got up rather early-ish, received a dunning letter in the mail (they want 2.000€ Bafög back payment, wtf). Went to my English Literature seminar, to the library (and had to pay 5€ because I lost a Fernleihe note), to an art exam info meeting, to mensa, to the Bafög-office in order to fix my debt issues... Gonna pay everything now in installments (as soon as I earn money). Bought a Lion bar because I was frustrated. Ripped a hole in my burgundy tights with my bike pedal. The internet. Some complaining. Editing photos for Facebook. Some drawing and Photoshop. No studying. Obsession with the band Television (and their song Marquee Moon ). Ramen noodles and quite some chocolate chai tea. Asian food at Bert's, some tv, epic Photoshop session in order to finish my project.
  • 21.1.: Woke up later than planned, grocery shopping, THE INTERNET (maybe I should switch it off?), ATM machine, Rewe with Miri and Bauer, cinema invitation, I picked up two books at the NK library, then I met Vroni Pfeffer in Klostergarten and we had a lovely talk about tv series, friends and everything. Talking to Marita on the phone for the best part of an hour. Butterbrezen. The internet again. Bit of drawing. Django Unchained in cinema with Bauer, Vanessa, Markus, Konsti and an anonymous dude. Awesome movie but not my favourite by Tarantino. Bert's afterwards.
  • 20.1.: Finishing Comfort Me with Apples by Ruth Reichl. Shower (I had to wash my hair 5 times and lost 1000 hairs because it was like having dreads after curling my hair on Thursday... too much product); at 1 Barbara stopped by to get my EWS folder (she's panicking NOW, 7 months before she writes the exam, omg). Internet, raspberry porridge. I went to Flo's in order to pick up an English education study folder. Steffi was there who's gonna write the exam as well in 5 weeks; the whole meeting was fun and quite reassuring. Then I had a minor breakdown because of my illustration job for which I just don't have time. Bert and Modern Family in the evening.
  • 19.1.: This day began just like the last one ended. Lazy, slow. In the evening a little trip to dm and Aldi. Eating Haribo Phantasia. Heartburn. More food. Chatting with Lexi. Photoshopping her hair red. The internet. Some reading.
  • 18.1.: Pukerella in the morning, potatoes and fried eggs for lunch, watching Modern Family; gas station, grocery shopping, quiet evening alone at home, eating toast and yoghurt, watching tv shows, reading.
  • 17.1.: Still SO MUCH SNOW. Driving very slowly, grocery shopping, lunch at home. Going through my feed reader. Organising a ticket for the most legendary party I've ever been to ( Tussi meets Nerd 3 where everyone was supposed to come dressed in one single colour from head to toe - I went in burgundy red ). We met in the pink house common room / at Miri's, I did Franzi's make-up and Marita curled my hair. At the entrance we received hawaiian flower necklaces and got ourselves some drinks. The music was awesome (DJ Trackmann / DJ Fitz) and at 3am I danced with Mr. D, the chief of the English language department, to Quit Playing Games with my Heart. I also danced with Michaela, kissed Marita, shared drinks with Juliane, had a nice talk with Bauer and organised a flower crown for Jan (who was quite interested in my 'bra pouch'). I almost got squeezed to death in the cloak room and fell asleep on the common room couch. At 5am I went home with Bente and Jan, planted a "vodka tree" in the Klostergarten and took a taxi to Innstadt. I'm getting old. Alcohol was never so mean to me.
  • 16.1.: Art education seminar, cooking camembert and beans (which had gone bad so we had to throw them away), providing Miri with flower soil. We found two perfectly nice genuine leather boots next to the trash bin and they fit Miri perfectly - talk about excellent shoe karma. Fixing my exam problems at the Prüfungsamt. Date with with ADAC guy. OH HE WAS GORGEOUS. Well, and I got a new car battery. Bayerischer Abend at uni - taking photos, "managing" the band. SO MUCH SNOW. I tried to make a turn and drove against the sidewalk. Luckily it was late at night.
  • 15.1.: Literature seminar, stopped by at the Gemeinschaftsraum where "Eleonor Plunkett" had band practise, analying a poem while waiting, lunch at Miri's, copy shop, home. Car battery is dead. Call ADAC. Writing an e-mail to Mr.D. and panicking because I might now be able to write my state exam (somebody forgot to give me an important form so I didn't even know I needed to enroll for my oral exam!). Being very grumpy all evening.
  • 14.1.: Waking up very late again, Knödel-breakfast and Modern Family, driving home, post office, eating a whole mini-cake and soup, procrastinating on the internet. Watching Girls, for example. Bert slept at my place.
  • 13.1.: Waking up late, finishing Silver Linings Playbook, cleaning all the things, pushing the furniture around, making soup, doing the dishes etc. Very good day for my apartment. So clean. Phone call with Lexi. TV at Bert's.
  • 12.1.: Waking up 2 hours late for my state exam English education course, bringing copies to Thalia and buying conditioner in my break, meeting Sophia at the ATM; hobo pizza date with Marita, going to the toy store, New Yorker, book store; organising my paperwork, watching Silver Linings Playbook
  • 11.1.: Griesnockerl soup and Modern Family, gas station (no luck with lottery tickets), Norma, finishing my last term paper and handing it in, Bauhaus
  • 10.1.: waking up late, doing a bit of Kreuzweise, off to the massage therapist, rummaging around the sale section at H&M / Müller (with greasy hair because of the massage oil), Kreuzweis (Kathi's birthday), driving home Marita and Miri, going to Bert's
  • 9.1.: art education seminar, café Innsteg, trying on a sweater dress at Miri's, grocery shopping with Bert, cheese & veggie burger, an evening of cooking, internet and Modern Family
  • 8.1.: literature seminar, grocery shopping, falling asleep, writing another term paper all day long, eating salad dressing on bread, wishing Kathi a happy birthday
  • 7.1.: NOT paying Praxisgebühr at the orthopaedic (woot, that's new!), pharmacy shopping, printinf my term paper, random websurfing, trying to start writing the second term paper, making a massage appointment for Thursday, noticing that all my jeans have holes
  • 6.1.: waking up in pain, working on my term paper, catching up on tv series with Bert in the evening
  • 5.1.: driving to Passau with Miri and Marita, buying shoes and groceries, working on my term paper
  • 4.1.: running sushi, grocery shopping with Mum, movies with Lexi and Yanic
  • 3.1.: returned something at H&M, picked up sushi at MyLy and delivered it to Lexi.
  • 2.1.: H&M, pub quiz, sneak preview, drive-in (people went through in reverse)
  • 1.1.: pool billard, Thai Thuna with Lexi and Yanic.
dec 11 2012 ∞
jul 7 2013 +