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I've been trying to figure what what would actually make me feel better and help me with my maladaptive coping strategies.From what I've learned so far, this is the advice I want to give myself:

  • Seek discomfort and accept pain. Don't resist. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable and don't be afraid of your vulnerability.
  • Sit with your feelings. Don't act on them immediately, don't try to numb them and make them go away.
  • Feel your feelings - don't think them. Don't rationalise or intellectualise them. Just feel them and they'll go away on their own.
  • Transform negativity. Whenever you think negatively - try to find something positive about it. Find a way to be grateful. Shift the focus, work on a positivity bias.
  • Bias towards action: Stop overthinking. Realise that decisions are usually not that big of a deal. There is no right and wrong either and you can always change it and decide something else afterwards. Dare greatly! What's the worst that could happen? Regret? You'll deal with that. And usually you regret the things you didn't do, the decisions that kept you small, playing it safe. Not deciding sooner. The decision, change or challenge usually isn't the problem. It's all the anxious thoughts, trying to predict the outcome. Fear is the problem.
  • Practise giving compliments to others. Express something positive you noticed about them, that you're grateful for their presence. Say sorry more. Mean it. Swallow your pride and work on that vulnerability. Don't take everything/everyone for granted. Tell others you appreciate them.
  • Karma Yoga: find a way to serve. One way to deal with negative thoughts is to focus on helping someone else. By helping someone else, you give yourself an opportunity to bring positivity into your life. Whether it be helping someone move or merely listening to a friend, helping someone else is a great way to help yourself. And it could be a great turnaround for feeling left out or unfairly treated. See it as an opportunity to serve and be more humble? You need to deflate your big ego.
  • Ask for help. Talk it over. If you find yourself struggling with negative thoughts and feelings, one way to overcome this is to find someone who is close to you and talk. Not only can this help you vent, but this also can be a great opportunity to reframe negative thoughts in a more positive light.
  • Regular exercise (even just a quick walk) can have a profound positive impact on both your physical and mental health. One benefit exercise brings is that it can help relieve inner tension and worries.
  • Adopt a morning pages / daily journalling practice with a quick gratitude starter.
  • Practise non-violent communication. Act from your higher self, not your ego. Respond, don't react. Take a break, a step back. Observe your feelings and reactions before responding appropriately.
  • How To Become Unrecognizable In 6 Months:
    • Wake up early
    • Hydrate with water, salt & electrolytes
    • Walk outside daily
    • Exercise 4-5x/week
    • Read, write & meditate daily
    • Get 8 hrs of sleep
    • Cut out negativity from your life
mar 15 2023 ∞
jul 30 2023 +