- INPUT: Gestalt therapy and yoga teacher training
- OUTPUT: write and illustrate a series of Astrology books
- COMMUNAL EFFORT: create and host an event/day retreat
- digitalisation of all paperwork / only keep one folder with essentials
- work on finances with Cornelia's help
- track regular tasks like grocery shopping, watering the plants, massage, mani/pedi etc. (app?)
- take analogue photos
- learn how to make stained glass windows
- make a series of planet-themed mugs
- Illustrate a colouring book
home improvement
- wallpaper for the kitchen
- clay shapes on the wall
- paint the walls and ceiling in the bathroom
- new floor in the hallway
- grouting the bookshelf
- renew grout on mosaic surface and seal it
- paint the metal tray
- oil the wood on the sun doors
- build a shelf unit for the 22 wooden drawers (47x29x15,2cm)
- figure out how to seal faucets (kitchen sink, bathtub)
- and, come to think of it: buy a lovely old house in the French countryside
- learn interesting techniques for embossing paper
- try gesso plates for painting
- Manifestation time! What do I really want? Know your why! Dream big! Set clear goals and dream big, figure out what you want.
- Look into self-hypnosis, TBM plans.
- Get used to not eating 4hrs before bedtime. 2 meals per day. Eat early. No caffeine after 4pm either.
- Come up with a clever investment plan to afford my future home.
- make rice paper pancakes
- make a peeling with sea salt, lemon and coconut oil
- visit the Surrealism exhibition at Centre Pompidou in Paris
- make a multiple choice form for C. to decide where to go next
- contact food sharing lady #roomsavailable
- FLINTA network, psych meet-ups with Celia (September)
- STD test with C
- date with L (Readery, Eispalast, cinema)
- date with A
- date with M+H
may 5 2024 ∞
mar 8 2025 +