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  • Helping Miri with moving. Burghausen's weird dystopian industry sites and the castle. Knoxoleum (duh, candy vagina table?). I also loved Miri's house and listening to The Prodigy in the car with Jan.
  • Reading The China Study.
  • Freeze dried raspberries covered in white chocolate.
  • That great moment when an imagined smell is so strong, suddenly there, gone the next second. Fluid, intense. Lately: something very fruity, like a peach. Are those memories? Or is my brain overheated?
  • Lying on the bed in the night, open window, it's raining outside. Listening to Kurt Vile's Smoke Ring for My Halo.
  • Being petted like a cat by a man you really like when drunk.
  • Some time this month we fell asleep to artificial thunderstorm and rain sounds. I didn't like it at first but then I was kinda disappointed when it stopped.
  • Being the subject of alpha-male games.
  • The first day at the lake.
  • Long talks with Paul at Camera while everyone else is dancing to very bad music.
  • BBQ with all the guys (which includes Dania). Walking home, staring at the sky, the man next to you singing old sailor shanties, teasing you.
  • Getting a virtual postcard from a train to Venice.
  • Making a pact to never share each other's secrets.
  • The restorative powers of tomato juice.
  • A good book chapter about literary music which evokes pictures in your mind and tells you a story without lyrics.
  • The "Tiny Dancer" scene in Almost Famous.
apr 6 2013 ∞
may 2 2013 +