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  • My New Year's Kiss. I wonder if this is the first time I didn't have to cheat and had a significant other volunteering for the job. I told C. about two resolutions I needed his help with. Focusing on positivity and gratitude (= to stop nagging and being overly critical) and to find a balance between distance and closeness.
  • A long walk through the woods. Climbing over trees and balancing with the kids. Cuddling with Mara. Getting the kids to play Activity despite their age. Connecting with Lian.
  • The little witch hat I poured in a New Year's ritual. A symbol for good luck and going your own way.
  • Charlie climbing up on my shoulder. My little witch cat. Love him.
  • A day at the Botanical gardens with Christian, his son and a few friends with their children. Marvelling at the tropical butterflies. Explaining interesting facts to the little ones. I felt like a walking lexicon. Beatriz took a liking to me and walked with me through the museum. She showed me the big crystals, the huge bug photographies and we played a nature quiz together.
  • The perfect burnt orange nail polish: Essie's row with the flow. Combining it with golden blots and black strokes.
  • Watching the new/last Hayao Miyazaki movie, The Boy and the Heron. Parts of it were so absolutely beautiful and touching that I kept starting to cry. I loved the scene with the Warawara spiraling up into the night sky. And the one with the landing of the tower, flames retreating back into the windows leaving only a faint glow. The iridescent colours on the stone walls. I kept discovering elements from older Ghibli movies - almost like little Easter eggs throughout the film.
  • Karaoke bingo, singing a duet and a little late night shopping session with Margit.
  • Wearing my new midnight blue velvet top. It features little golden star constellations and is so soft that I keep touching myself. I forgot how much I appreciate a good texture. Velvet is definitely one of them.
  • Eating a rainbow of juicy fruit for breakfast. With frozen raspberries under my vanilla porridge. And a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter.
  • A long chat with Becky, staring at her apple green Granny Smith sweater.
  • The shadows on the wall after sunset looked like a creepy snowflake made up of swords and twigs.
  • Angel numbers only on the bathroom scale.
  • Ordering exactly the piece of cake I wanted. The one with the chocolate star on top.
  • A very long French fry.
  • A dream: sitting on an unsteady stack of mattresses with my employers. Using a parachute to jump into a crumpled-up rainbow. / Preparing the van to drive up to the coast for a sailing trip with my dad.
  • Cinema and delicious Vietnamese dinner with Christian and Lena.
  • Frank checked in on me because he knew how much I dreaded going back to school and rewarded me with a cute gif of head scratches for a cat. I reacted with a vibrating phone emoji and he totally got it!
  • Entering productivity mode. Working on a few things that had been on my to do list forever. Tackling these is especially juicy. / My beginning of the year decluttering and organising mood. Planning ahead, streamlining my digital files and notes, throwing out physical deadweight.
  • Taping some of my meditative paintings on the wall. Realising how much I actually like them and how much I enjoy the creative process. I immediately sink into a state of flow as soon as I start painting. Why does it always take me so long to overcome this mental barrier?
  • My journal coming together beautifully. It's almost full - only a few empty pages are left. Making a collage to mark the beginning of 2024. I love writing by hand. It slows you down and structures your thinking.
  • Spotting a dark squirrel outside my kitchen window after talking with a pupil about winter rest and how rare it must be to see one waking up looking for the nuts they've hidden in autumn.
  • Tall white lilies in a green stained glass vase.
  • Sneaking grated carrot into my breakfast. Undetectable in carrot cake overnight oats.
  • A chunky apple green short sleeve sweater over a delicate black lace top. I love the contrast of the textures.
  • Expanding my accountability system. Christian offered to help me with my weight loss goal and my boss offered to keep asking for new ideas and insights on my career change. She wants me to get a move on. In a way, I feel quite supported. My new mommy and daddy? I know I know, I have to learn how to be my own parent, but it does feel nice to have people in your life who are looking out for you.
  • The sun hanging low in the sky, appearing huge through the misty winter clouds right before sunset.
  • It's fascinating to see how quickly the Universe throws you a ball when you've decided that you really want something. That you're ready. Since I talked to my boss about my career change I keep getting mails with interesting offers. An invitation to Guatemala to work at Fungi Academy. An old contact from PI reaching out with new international programs. Booking a free career coaching. Opportunities to study visual arts. I'm curious to see where this takes me.
  • The more you create, the more powerful you become. The more you consume, the more powerful others become. - James Clear
  • The first strawberry of the year. Yes, in January. Sue me. It was delicious. Strawberries bring me so much joy!
  • Tapping into a state of pure bliss during meditation. Smiling involuntarily. What a high!
  • The computer screen mysteriously turned on at 22:22 and demanded my attention. Huh.
  • I bought a car! Without thinking or knowing too much about it but I simply had a good feeling. It's tangerine-coloured and expands my range of movement a lot. I discovered that I can actually connect my phone via Bluetooth to listen to music (didn't expect that) AND the perfect volume adjustment is 22. Win.
  • Fabi's unexpected presents. And the spontaneous invitation to the exit room. It was lovely to see him, Frank and Marie again!
  • Finally giving Frank his birthday present. Finishing his letter with shared memories. He really liked it!
  • Realizing that I'm really scared of preparing a portfolio for Art University. Perhaps that's exactly why I should do it.
  • Booking plane tickets to Athens on a whim one Monday morning. I've never been to mainland Greece. And it's gonna be my first longer trip with Christian. Exciting.
  • A lovely Sunday with Lian and C. I delivered Fabi's boat and drove my new car in the sunshine. Beautiful, radiant winter landscapes. Connecting with C., playing, going on a little quest to find his keys, driving to the sledding hill, a gas station run to buy tobacco and get lottery tickets, cooking a delicious dinner and receiving rave reviews. A little chemistry experiment growing crystals with Lian. Getting high. Talking.
  • A productive coaching session with Valerie. And it was free because I won it in a raffle.
  • (Lemonade) Crunchy ice. (Kick it once, kick it twice / turn around, touch the ground / kick your boyfriend out of town and freeze)
  • Catching up with Nico over Indian food.
  • A cuddle movie night at Luna's. Snacks, sleepover, sharing sexy secrets with C. in the morning, playing computer games together.
  • Chocolate-covered dates. Comté cheese and strawberries on sourdough bread.
  • What an experience: attending my first KAP event. I'm still not sure what happened that afternoon.
  • Poor Things is such a fantastic movie. I loved everything about it. The ideas, outfits, scenery, Emma Stone's acting.
  • The latest Slutering Party was delicious. Very orgy-like, with lots of sensual connections and a lack of hard boundaries. Free flow and love.
  • The production of The Tempest / Das Dämmern der Welt was super interesting. I loved the live band and choir music. The video camera on stage, the drastic choices for the cast. Abstract but enticing.
  • I loved the first book I read this year: I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman.
  • Little luxuries. A toilet seat with an automatic/slow-closing lid. I've also started to shine my shoes. Both makes me feel very put-together and grown-up.
  • A super interesting collection of different niche aesthetics collected by Cari Institute.
  • A forced slow day. Couldn't really walk after hurting my leg jumping out of a tram's way. So I slept and read and finished my Harry Potter marathon. Didn't even completely turn it into a rot day because I put on lipstick, went to choir practice and even changed my bedsheets.
  • Kathrin touching my arm when she saw me come in, greeting me so warmly. It felt like she was happy to see me! Astrid inquiring about my limping. I genuinely thanked her for asking, taking an interest in me. Practicing Joyful, Joyful - such a beautiful song. "Fill us with the light." If I get the chance to sing a solo part I'll gladly accept. I'm feeling this song so much.
  • Stumbling upon the perfect Desigual jacket. It's made for me: MY colour. MY pattern. MY cut. And it was on sale.
  • A very weird morning. Super inspired. Ecstatic. Lots of insights, impulses, realizations. What's going here? Frantic journalling ensued. I understood that I might be able to... choose my reality?
  • Caffeine-infused creativity and musings about the word curation.
  • Rice pudding with fresh fruit.
  • My little project to use up all my stored groceries and eat the contents of my freezer.
  • Stocking up on countless bottles of watered down kombucha, blue juice and Volvic matcha drink. It feels like the height of luxury to have your fridge full of fancy beverages.
  • Strawberries and cream. End game.
  • The little candied, sesame-coated almond I was offered upon leaving Manouche, the Lebanese restaurant near my school. Delicious.
  • Comparing MRI sounds to minimal techno, sending C. Fantas by Caterina Barberi. I still want to see her live one day.
  • Sunrise at Filzhof. The long shadows cast by the fence. Cats basking in the morning sun. Little birdies visiting.
  • A ballsy move: finally getting a helix and septum piercing. Just woke up one morning and decided to do it.
  • Road tripping with C. Picking up my cello and an armchair from my brother's house. Talking to my former neighbour. Hardware store, home decor, thrift shopping. A piece of cake in Gstaudach. Making a delicious wok dish with lots of veggies and noodles for dinner. The cat in my car. Flight simulator with VR goggles. Sleeping on the new pillows.
  • And after F. cancelled on me, we spent Sunday together as well. We played some computer games, watched a movie. His son and ex-wife came over and brought pastries. I read him a few pages from A Little Life as a bedtime story.
  • Planning a treasure hunt for a birthday party.
  • Learning about C.'s taste in music.
  • Strong synchronicity game. 1111 on the clock, 222 on the bus.
  • C. booking me on his flight to Manchester. Talking about our roadtrip route. Learning about Atlas Obscura.
  • Buying everything I like. I escalated a little at IKEA. Assembling a trolley. It's a bit like a 3D puzzle! I'm in my home decor queen phase.
  • Koawach white chocolate drink. Incredibly sweet but so indulgent. To counterbalance the sweetness: rosehip tea.
  • Hazelnut cinnamon cookies. Pistachio ice-cream.
  • An indulgent guilty pleasure: devouring a whole ball of mozzarella straight out of the bag. Moist, stringy, delicious.
  • Using NARS Orgasm blush as eyeshadow.
  • Very attractive pictures of Mark Ruffalo in his Poor Things dancer's attire.
  • Tempeh. Brussels sprouts - not the frozen kind for once.
  • Feeling incredibly cool on my first work days after the sick leave. Space buns, my new Desigual jacket, the orange pair of hip sunglasses. Plum-coloured lipstick. Swirly golden hoop earrings.
  • A substitute lesson with cool students who could take a joke but still work on grammar exercises with me. Compliments for my English. I know, doesn't really count from 14-year-olds but it still felt nice.
  • Just walking over to Peter's place for an audio cable (and he even opened the door despite being ill). I love how much we've cultivated supporting each other in our choir!
jan 4 2024 ∞
mar 7 2024 +