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  • Our last days in France. Fighting the strong autumn winds, getting everything we had left on the terrace and the laundry rack. Taking in the last rays of sunshine. Driving along the lovely highway on the seaside towards Italy.
  • I wish we could stay in this hotel one day. It certainly hasn't been our last time in France.
  • A linguistic exploration of the southern French dialects or Occitan. I discovered the Atlas sonore des langues régionales de France and this song - great lyrics! And in what awesome times are we living, eh? With linguists as internet popstars! Here, check out Linguisticae. I'm obsessed.
  • Having some kind of "I miss France!!" evening with Lena and Lexi. Making crêpes with cheese and mushrooms, watching Les petits mouchoirs in French.
  • Das Glück liegt auf der Straße 1 2 // Claire Beermann about her roadtrip to the west coast.
  • Benedict Wells has published playlists for his novels!
  • Interesting dreams. Seems like I really want to get fucked, have a baby and get high?!
  • Going to Achatswies for a conference. Spending the day in the mountains with all my colleagues (it felt a bit like camp) and getting drunk at Tschortscho's bar in the village.
  • I actually like going to work at the moment. Being around the students is fun for the most part and I have a lot of plans for the year. We might go to Spain with the Spanish students, I'm going to organise an OBGYN visit, a self-defense class, a Lady's Night and an LGBTI-workshop. And maybe I'm allowed to take classes on gender questions in education.
  • Yara is my favourite Game of Thrones character. So I obviously LOVED the scene on the ship when she's making out with Ellaria!! Hot.
  • My visits to the Octoberfest were fun. On Friday, I went with Julia and some of her colleagues. We had a table at the Käfer tent. Pretty nice food I have to admit! Afterwards we had some shots, the others rode the rollercoaster and the flying swings (I don't dare ever since my safety loop opened during a ride when I was a teenager). I was pretty impressed by Brigitte who is a huntress and looks like a model for traditional Bavarian clothing. And yeah, she's a teacher, too. Why though?! On Tuesday I went there with some colleagues and actually managed to drink about 3,5l beer! I set my new record. Also, I met some guy from Northern California who had been there JUST for me, two chemistry students and an 18-year-old art student to be.
  • Talking to Sitki about life and love. Dancing at Strom.
  • Visiting heavily pregnant Elsa at home (she has one of the nicest apartments I know). Cuddling on the sofa with Franzi, eating delicious apple pecan tarte. Speculating about when her baby was going to come. The next morning she sent us a photo of her and tiny Pauline. She was born just a few hours after our visit. Perfect timing!
  • Shopping at Hab&Gut and my first time at the flea market in Daglfing. I really like that place. Old memories... But I'd rather SELL some of my old stuff soon.
sep 9 2017 ∞
oct 25 2017 +