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  • my phone rang inside my bag, and since aparently the ringtone was so loud, it kind of disrupted classes. i had no idea it was on, and i had no idea who was calling. then my teacher took it away. but that last bit was fine.
  • when i did find out who called/texted, it was just to remind me that i had to pay my cellphone bill. ASDFGHJKL;
  • not only that, but when my bag was inspected everyone was watching. i took my phone out and i was like FCK IT`S ON IT RANG AHHHHH
  • it was the reason we were late for computer
  • my classmate explained why we were late to out computer teacher infront of my face
  • i broke down twice, then late realized that it was the first time i had broken down in school, and that i was such a wimp.
    • the first time was before computer class started. i`m located at the back on the center, so my teacher didn`t see me. he`s male. he wouldn`t be able to comfort me, anyway. doesn`t know my name, don`t think he will... for a while.
    • the second time was infront of my homeroom adviser, while we were talking after i asked to apologize. i actually told her some of my worries for this school year and how i really want to leave a good impression on my teachers.
  • just as i get to my table, michelle & alexis (my two closest friends in my class) ask me if it was my phone that rang. i give a sad nod, and then they leave. what hit me was the fact that they seemed to care more about what happened then how i was affected :( i`ve always been the good girl of my circle of friends, so i guess this was a revelation for them. like, the apocalypse was about to start or something. i don`t blame them, but of course, i felt pretty bummbed out about it, as well :(

but of course, some good came out of it:

  • i don`t use my cellphone that often, so it`s pretty useless for me to own one. i felt much worse getting caught then i did having it confiscated.
  • my social studies teacher, homeroom adviser & level coordinator don`t believe that my phone rang because i was expecting a call or a text or something.
  • my social studies teacher, homeroom adviser & level coordinator all think i`m a good girl, even with this happening.
  • this won`t affect my conduct :D
  • when my social studies teacher took away my phone, he kept on saying he was sorry and i know that he truly meant it
sep 17 2009 ∞
sep 21 2009 +