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Hmm, so I saw the listography book at Urban Outfitters and bought it as a graduation present for my friend. I read the message the author wrote in the beginning and I can relate to her, I too am a nostalgic. I never want to forget things. In journals I'm super detailed. I collect things in boxes. I appreciate my life and the things I do. And I also agree that lists are a simple way of fixati...

listography TERMS

This was generated as "a list of things friends may not know about me." But how am I supposed to know what my friends don't know....they're pretty smart.

The Basics

  • DOB: January 10th
  • Only child
  • First generation Indian-American
  • My favorite color is purple!

Other minor, but really major, details

  • I am loud, deal with it.
  • Don't hit me. Besides the fact that it's just mean, it just freaking hurts--I'm fragile.
  • I hate it when people say I'm super skinny and probably fit into everything: no, this butt doesn't fit in a size 0 and it hasn't since the 7th grade. I'm not tiny, 120 lbs and 5'6" does not constitute as "tiny." I'm not a new born child.
  • I hate cucumbers. Wtf kind of word is "cucumber" anyway??
  • I love purses. You can't go wrong with giving me an adorable purse. I mean, they are totally useful and the perfect accessory!
  • I'd like to think I'm a girly-giry and a tomboy. I getting manicures and wearing dresses. But I also love watching sports: particularly football, basketball, soccer, and baseball.
  • I'm a closet romantic. What does this mean? It means I like romance in books and movies, but not so much in real life.
  • I can't roll my tongue
  • I plan on working in the business field: corner office, great view, perhaps hot male assistant.
  • I'm lazy and not very athletic...but that is subject to change.
  • I don't like talking on the phone. I don't mind if it's a "Hey, where are you?" when I have plans to meet someone, but if it's just to chit chat...throw me a text.
  • I LOVE Tom Brady
  • I feel fortunate enough to have traveled out of the country
  • I grew up very shy. I still am around people I'm not close with.
  • I have too much hair on my head.
  • I hate horror movies. You couldn't pay me enough...
  • I hope people can see my maturity. I'd like to think I know when to act silly and serious. It's really annoying to see legal adults act like tweaks.
  • I will pay you back. If I don''s because I was drugged.
jul 16 2009 ∞
jun 20 2010 +