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i'm petite with a big heart and bigger dreams. here's a place to pen/store my favourite places + people + things (on the web and in real life).

if you know me, do pop by facebook!
for pictures i adore, head to my tumblr!
sorry, but my twitter + livejournal are locked.

listography NEW NEWS

31 phillip lim []

a.p.c. [] / abernathy road [] / acne [] / acrimony [] / acru [] / after the apple [] / al&alicia [] / alegorie [] / alexi freeman [] / alice + olivia [] / alice ritter [] / allsaints spitalfields [] / ampersand as apostrophe [] / andrew gn [] / andrew mcdonald [] / anne valérie hash [] / annie costello brown [] / annoushka jewellery [] / anthropologie [] / arielle de pinto [] / armand basi [] / asos [] / atlantis dry goods []

bakers dozen [] / balenciaga [] / balmain [] / bcbgmaxazria [] / bernard chandran [] / best behaviour [] / birdmotel [] / black milk clothing [] / blue caravan [] / bonadrag [] / bonsui [] / boutiques [] / browns [] / building block [] / burberry []

cacharel [] / carrie k [] / carven [] / cath kidston [] / cb i hate perfume [] / chanel [] / charmaine reveley [] / chicgirl2 [] / claire inc. [] / clarissa labin [] / cos [] / couture lab [] / crafted systems [] / creatures of comfort [] / cursive design [] / cybele []

d_luxe [] / dannijo [] / dear prudence [] / death by drone [] / deborah sweeney [] / dieppa restrepo [] / diva [] / domahoka [] / dream collective [] / dries van noten []

edun [] / elizabeth and james [] / emily ryan [] / erie basin [] / eugene lin []

farfetch [] / fay andrada [] / feit [] / fendi [] / fiona paxton [] / flutter [] / forward forward [] / fossil [] / fred flare [] / free people [] / funktional [] / furi [] / future sentiments []

gabriella marina gonzalez [] / gail sorronda [] / gary graham [] / georgina thomas [] / givenchy [] / golden ponies [] / good as gold [] / guess []

hansel [] / haute classics [] / helmut lang [] / honeyhoney [] / hope [] / huset-shop [] / huzzah! vintage []

i am who i am [] / i don't like mondays [] / ilana kohn [] / in god we trust [] / iremonya [] / isabel marant [] / issey miyake []

j.crew [] / je sophi [] / jeffery campbell [] / jenni kayne [] / jérôme dreyfuss [] / jesse kemm [] / jil sander [] / joanne stoker [] / joveeba [] / juliette hogan []

karen walker [] / karl lagerfeld [] / karla spetic [] / karmaloop [] / kastor & pollux [] / kate spade [] / kate towers [] / kathryn bentley [] / kenzo [] / klara g [] / kmrii [] / knobbly [] / kobi levi [] / kronkron []

l'ile aux ashby [] / la garconne [] / lady grey jewellery [] / lady petrova [] / lanvin [] / lauren manoogian [] / ld tuttle [] / led zephyr [] / leemans en wicker [] / lemlem [] / lf stores [] / limedrop [] / lindsey thornburg [] / little doe [] / little fly [] / lizzie fortunato [] / lola&bailey [] / lonely hearts [] / lucy folk [] / luflux [] / luisaviaroma []

maaike mekking [] / madewell [] / mae [] / mae pang [] / magpie & rye [] / maison martin margiela [] / maniamania [] / manimal [] / mardeu [] / marni [] / marquis camus [] / maryam keyhani [] / maryam nassir zadeh [] / mcmc fragrances [] / me & oli [] / miijo [] / mina stone [] / minimarket [] / miss crabb [] / missoni [] / miu miu [] / mociun [] / monki [] / morrison shop [] / moschino [] / mr.hare [] / mr kate [] / mrs peterson pottery [] / mulberry []

nadinno [] / nakkna [] / nancybird [] / nastygal [] / neëst [] / neivz [] / nikicio [] / nine west [] / nixon [] / nordstrom []

oak [] / obakki [] / obus [] / odette [] / ohne titel [] / oki-ni [] / omar seluj [] / one teaspoon [] / opening ceremony [] / oscar de la renta [] / oslen haus []

patouf [] / pauline ning [] / pedro [] / people tree [] / peter pilotto [] / philippe tournaire [] / pierre hardy [] / pixie market [] / polyvore [] / prada [] / proenza schouler []

rad hourani [] / ralph lauren [] / ramona west [] / raphaëlle hlimi [] / rebecca minkoff [] / reed krakoff [] / refinery 29 [] / remade usa [] / revolve clothing [] / risto bimbiloski [] / rittenhouse [] / river island [] / river of romansk [] / roberto cavalli [] / rodarte [] / rodebjer [] / ruby boutique [] / round [] / ruche [] / rvca []

salasai [] / sally scott [] / samma [] / sandra backlund [] / sara phillips [] / sass & bide [] / satomi kawakita [] / scout&catalogue [] / secret squirrel [] / sera [] / sessùn [] / shabd [] / shoptoast [] / shape shiftr [] / shingo matsushita [] / solestruck [] / sretsis [] / ssense [] / steven alan [] / stolen girlfriends club [] / stylestalker [] / suboo [] / suno []

tas-ka [] / thaitied [] / tesla [] / the feather feet beat [] / the hanging space [] / the small object [] / the vamoose [] / theory [] / therese rawsthorne [] / third drawer down [] / tilly [] / toast [] / topshop [] / totokaelo [] / tovi corrie [] / tristan blair [] / tsumori [] / tsumori chisato [] / twentysevennames []

una [] / underground [] / unearthen [] / united nude [] / upon a fold [] / urban originals [] / urban outfitters [] / utt'er []

valentino [] / vena cava [] / victoria simes [] / viktor & rolf [] / vivienne westwood []

weekday [] / won hundred [] / wrenegg []

ying gao [] / yiorgos eleftheriades [] / yohji yamamoto [] / yumumu []

zoologie []

apr 16 2010 ∞
dec 23 2011 +