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i'm petite with a big heart and bigger dreams. here's a place to pen/store my favourite places + people + things (on the web and in real life).

if you know me, do pop by facebook!
for pictures i adore, head to my tumblr!
sorry, but my twitter + livejournal are locked.

listography NEW NEWS

~ > O < ~ [] / ䷽⋰G []

100 abandoned houses [] / 3191 miles apart [] / 6 word stories []

airbnb [] / an apple a day [] / another mag [] / ariko []

belle fleur de lis [] / bleubird vintage [] / blooming leopold [] / breakfast []

cardboard love [] / confident liar [] / cotton-hearted []

daily tonic [] / damn you auto correct! [] / dear blank, please blank [] / design crush [] / dezeen []

eat drink chic [] / einstein's problem [] / emma's designblogg []

fieldguided [] / fine little day [] / for me, for you [] / frankie magazine []

gather to keep [] / generic dream [] / greeneyed [] / grow fonder []

handwritten letter project [] / hello sandwich [] / herzenart [] / hi + low [] / hilda grahnat []

i love you more than blank [] / i'm revolting [] / identical eye [] / it will stop raining []

jeana sohn []

kris's color stipes [] / krisatomic []

ledansla [] / lemmemakeit [] / life in the slow line [] / lines & shapes [] / little birdie secrets [] / little brown pen [] / little miso [] / lola bits and pieces [] / lonny mag [] / lullaby for bones []

m [] / make it do [] / mary & matt [] / moorea seal [] / mouses houses []

naag [] / nicomade [] / nothing is new [] / notpaper []

one word [] / odette [] / otchipotchi [] /

paris vs new york, a tally of two cities [] / pia jane bijkerk []

reference library [] / rickshaw [] / room []

s a i p u a [] / simple lovely [] / spin cushion [] / stuff no one told me []

the blue hour [] / the burning house [] / the daily nail [] / the human clock [] / the land between here + mountains [] / the selby [] / the thinking tank [] / things we forget [] / thrift & thread [] / tricia will go place []

unruly things []

vic []

wanderlust hotel [] / wee textile [] / wikstenmade []

yellow owl workshop [] / you are the river []

apr 16 2010 ∞
nov 29 2011 +