saturday, nov. 20th:
- see harry potter, 8:00 PM
- downtown w/matt, cathy, karah & aaron
sunday, nov. 21st:
- get jars from jake
- have dad fix my car radio?
- thanksgiving at lucy-ann's, 6:00 PM
monday, nov. 22nd:
- refill birth control prescription
- get heartworm for bear
- go to mom's to sort room?
tuesday, nov. 23rd:
wednesday, nov. 24th:
- meet mom & amy for some shopping, late afternoon
thursday, nov. 25th:
- =thanksgiving at mom's, 1:00 PM
- thanksgiving at the webb's, 5:00 PM
- watch christmas vacation & drink hot totties
friday, nov. 26th:
- black friday shopping? --> nope
- christmas tree lighting, 5:30 PM
- drinks in vtown
saturday, nov. 27th:
- dinner/games w/ dad & jeannette, theresa, yukio & amy, 7:30 PM
sunday, nov. 28th:
- other:
- update 1001 things list
- upload photos to flicker
- write & mail letter for amanda
- write & mail letter for megan
- get car radio fixed (sun the 21st?)
- get rebate for contacts
- start list of what I bought myself from dad
- make complete list of xmas movies to watch & add to netflix
- decide if I want to do 25 days of xmas craft book or similar
- list of who to buy for for christmas
- start doing christmas shopping
- bring a bunch of crap home to mom's - including fall decorations
- bring christmas stuff here
- make list of two-player games mike & I might like
- sort photos
- start looking for a job
- finish reading HP7
- finish reading HP3
- finish reading the time traveler's wife
- play lots of sims3
- make applesauce
- make apple pie for mom's --> amy already did =(
- make another batch of pumpkin spice cookies --> recipe deleted =(
- start filling out applications
- start writing personal statements
- practice/study for the GRE
- do all homework through friday, dec. 3rd:
- SEL quiz #4
- read "poets, saints & visionaries" pp. 61-95
- read psych chapter 11
- read you gotta have wa (all)
- read cog neuro chapter 11
- read kupers et al. & questions
- read "two women of the great schism" pp. 1-21, 35-119
- finish CN coloring book
nov 18 2010 ∞
nov 28 2010 +