- facebook.com
- thescribblesheet.blogspot.com
- galadarling.com
- thefrisky.com
- listography.com
- mangafox.com
- youtube.com
- pbfcomics.com
- cookingcute.com
- twitter.com
- (i don't actually have an account, but the whole process fascinates me, so i spend a lot of time on other people's accounts)
- urbandictionary.com
- wordreference.com
- fmylife.com
- pandora.com
- hm.com
- freetetris.org
- unique-vintage.com
- textsfromlastnight.com
- overheardinnewyork.com
- cuteboysmakemenervous.blogspot.com
- bonerparty.tumblr.com
- leloveimage.blogspot.com
feb 25 2009 ∞
aug 27 2009 +