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dont follow if

  • you're okay with incest/pedophillia etc relationships
  • you fit the basic dfi criteria
  • hate on my favourite characters.


  • i tend to joke around often so you shouldn't take me seriously all the time
  • i talk about my favourite characters a lot, mainly the ones that are in bold in my favourite characters list.
  • heavily tweets about my interests.
  • a lot of key smash and caplocks
  • liking my tweets isnt a must but liking them from time to time would be appreciated.
  • follow reqs when im on lock are okay !! unless it says otherwise in my bio
  • i usually do follow back if we do have the same interests. if I don't then that means I didn't see you so just me mention me and i will follow you back.
  • do not sb please! unfollow me instead. i wont ask why you did it and i'll make sure to unfollow you back. i dont have the best memory so if you were to sb there's a chance i might follow you again ? its not likely but anything can happen.
  • if i do something that makes you uncomfortable/upset in any way dont be afraid to hmu, i dont want to make any of you feel that way.
jun 24 2017 ∞
jun 24 2017 +