a list of random facts and questions that i found in fact challenges

  • i am a fruitlover i could live on fruit and probably will one day
  • i love to learn languages. i know german, arabic & english, and i'm aiming to become better at korean and french
  • something i miss: my highschool squad. i haven't seen them in years because everyone has moved away for college and life is always getting in the way. i wish i could see all of them together again
  • what i really wish i could do is to live in different places of the world for a limited amount of time. i love big and busy cities that you could get lost in, and i wish i could live in different big cities and adjust to the lifestyle of its people and also learn the culture and language
  • i also want to travel to a foreign country and live there all on my own for some time n during that time talk as little as possible to friends and family. just be completely alone, i think that would be a great way to get to know yourself on a different level
  • my dream job is to be a neuroscientist. i love brain
  • i can not watch tv shows. Ever. i don't know why but it's just never happening? i have already started so many shows but couldn't get myself to continue and most of the time i stop watching at the 2nd ep. why do i hate having fun
  • i love. children. absolutely LOVE and ADORE and would DIE for children. i want to adopt every child and protect them at all costs
  • whats in my purse
    • my work chip card & key
    • ticket
    • phone + headphones
    • lipstick + mascara + foundation
    • as you can see i am an irresponsible adult
  • interior design is my passion. i'm aiming to get a interior design related job that i can do for a couple of years until i finish school
  • the good, the bad and the ugly of myself
    • good: i am always willing to learn and move on
    • bad: i catch myself being bitter sometimes and it upsets me a lot
    • ugly: the way my mental illness has control over my life
  • thunder storms and heavy rain calm me down
  • to me, the key to happiness is to have a goal or a purpose, and to have healthy & deep relationships with people in my life
  • "i want to learn how to"
    • dance!
  • i'm not a skilled artist but i love drawing and painting to death. i look at art a lot more than i make art. i also love calligraphy
aug 14 2017 ∞
jan 6 2018 +