2016 was the year that i finally:
- learned to let go when i have to let go
- signed up to take new classes and stop just crying around and being scared of school
- realized that i am responsible for my own happiness
- realized that there is nothing more important than loving myself
- started loving and respecting myself
- gave myself credit for being a cute human being
- learned that as long as i continue to dislike myself, i will have problems in all of my relationships (clinginess and lack of trust)
- started to appreciate what i have
- started to believe in god again
- realized that NOBODY is worth being sad over. if they decide to be mean/ignore me/make me feel bad it says something about them, not about me.
- learned to deal with my hyper empathy, and that it is okay to love people more than they love me
- made many friends
- realized that there is absolutely nothing wrong with me because i am still likeable and funny and i have a big heart and deserve more than what has been given to me/what i have been giving myself
- thought realistically about my future and took action instead of waiting for the perfect situation
- found the key to happiness, even though i haven't been able to use it properly yet
- learned that i can make anything possible
- realized that if I started taking things less seriously and had more fun, I would do so much better
dec 25 2016 ∞
jan 1 2018 +