• getting a job that i felt comfortable enough in to keep it for (over) a year
  • moving into a new apartment and way over 500km away from our old place, which definitely lead to a lot of anxiety and a strange "home sickness" that i felt so deeply, even though i hated "home" and wanted to move away for years
  • the anxiety that really established itself as my "main mental illness" this year. i never experienced anxiety like this, and becoming anxious and paranoid over very small things has ruined so many of my days in this year.
  • feeling constantly lonely. i haven't been able to make friends and i kinda want to blame that on work because everyone is way older than me and i don't get to do much outside of it. but i know that the bigger reason for that is my social anxiety that i truly felt was the real issue in my life. i accepted it this year.
  • getting more into mindfulness and actually having amazing days whenever i meditate, journal or say out affirmations loud. also i discovered meditation guides for sleeping/anxiety/waking up and i love them!!!
  • being artsy
  • i didn't make many friends online but i got closer to 2 of my favorite people on earth who really, REALLY take away so much of my loneliness and help me get through hard times
  • had an amazing amazing summer, finally went to japanday (very big con that i wanted to go to for years), ramadan was so much fun, spent a lot of time with my cousins and family in general, went to different places, discovered the city and just had a lot of fun
  • i also had a very calm and beautiful fall.
  • discovered my new love kfc which i go to once a month i wish it wasn't so expensive owo
  • watching shows that got me out of the real world and distracted me so much from stress!!! ex. BRODUCE (my fave throughout the year), stray kids (gave me the new ults), and i finally watched game of thrones uwu
  • discovered so much new music
  • got into skin care and ended up with beautiful glowing skin uwu
  • ended the year happily with my family including my auntie and my cousins and started with a positive and hopeful mindset into the new year.
dec 31 2017 ∞
jan 1 2018 +