A lot of these things are generally already understood, but I worry about putting pressure on people without trying, so a lot of it is just meant as reassurance!

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Please do not use terms of endearment (honey, baby, darling, dear, etc.) towards me without my permission.

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This account is tweet/rt heavy, so please keep that in mind before you decide to follow! That being said, you are always free to mute me or turn off retweets from me anytime for any reason!

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If you are uncomfortable with me following you for any reason, please feel free to boot me or ask me to unfollow you, I am perfectly OK with this! You are always welcome to unfollow/softblock/hardblock any of my accounts at any time for any reason, I don't ask that you let me know before taking your leave unless you wish to. Thanks!!

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This goes without saying, but I still want to affirm that there's no pressure for you to follow me back, so please don't do so unless you actually want to!

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I am 18+ by quite a bit and I am not willing to follow or be followed by minors, so if you attempt to follow me and you are under 18, I will softblock you.

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Please feel free to call me out on any behaviors or comments of mine you find unacceptable or inappropriate. If I hurt you or make you uncomfortable, or hurt someone else or make them uncomfortable and you witness it and have a personal problem with it, if you can, please tell me as soon as possible. I want to fix things if I do something wrong. I'm always willing to listen and I'll try my best to make things right. This goes for any past mistakes/wrongdoings I may have done as well.

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I read all of my mutual's blacklists and try my best to keep up with tagging, but if I fail to do so or if you want something tagged that I am not currently tagging, please feel free to ask!

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I may softblock / cut contact without warning. This is almost always because of personal problems and I don't ever intend it maliciously, but if you require warning before people cut contact with you or explanations afterwards, you might not want to follow me.

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I won't specify which ones publicly, but due to trauma if you share a name with someone I've had a very bad experience with, I will softblock you immediately

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Feel free to ask me questions about anything you have concerns about at any time. I'm happy to respond and I'll do my best to clear things up.

sep 21 2016 ∞
jan 22 2019 +