i'm mer! (pronounced "mare"). short for whatever you want it to be

✢ 16 (april 11th 2003)

✢ aries sun / leo moon / aries rising

✢ nb lesbian (he/him)

✢ white

✢ i live on a farm in the middle of nowhere pennsylvania now but i grew up in the pnw

✢ autistic & nd

✢ physically abled

heres some merfacts!

i have 3 cats, 11 chickens (10 laying hens & 1 rooster), a corn snake, a crested gecko, 2 praying mantises, 76 hissing cockroaches & 1 dog.

i love bugs! i want to go to college for biology with a focus in entomology. my ideal job is teaching kids about insects in some capacity, which i have done in the past and enjoyed!

i am a visual artist & i do soft sculpture sometimes

oct 30 2019 ∞
oct 30 2019 +