• visual studies - taught me to apply literary/critical analysis to images. this class changes the way you see the world.
  • constitutional law - nationally renowned professor; plus, it teaches you the realities of freedom and checks and balances in america.
  • art history (various) - because it makes you sound smart at cocktail parties. and you get to look at beautiful things.
  • intellectual property law - fascinating to me as a writer and child of the internet age.
  • religion - classes about religion, not classes indoctrinating you in a certain theology. because the more you know, the less likely you are to be manipulated (not that faith is a bad thing, but religions can manipulate).
  • history - any history. because those who ignore their past are doomed to repeat it. also because it teaches you to analyze the hell out of documents/sources.
feb 13 2010 ∞
aug 22 2013 +