- Distance
- People pretending to like you, then having a massive group discussion about how much they hate you. Thanks guys. Much appreciated.
- Those basterds who breathe super loud. STFU!
- People who talk with their mouthfull at dinner. It's gross. Eww.
- Drunk people. You smell, you're not funny and It's embarassing to be around you. Go away.
- Having curly hair. Everyone always says "ooh i like your hair, I wish i had curly hair" um, No you dont. You have no idea how annoying it is not being able to do anything with your hair aside from the masterful ponytail, which, i might add, is just a way of making curly hair looks a little bit respectable after the one day it stays nice after you wash it. Plus its a ...
jan 25 2010 ∞
mar 1 2010 +